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New Blog Series: Life On My Terms, How I’m Deciding It Gets To Work, Just Eat The Ice Cream

In a world with so many what-ifs I've decided to be sure about how I will live my life and today I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. 

Starting with, just eat the ice cream and enjoy it. Stop saving everything for later or when. Use the good china, the good perfume, make-up, that awesome outfit, the nice shoes. Stop saving it for a special occasion, enjoy it now. Treat yourself the way you treat your house guests, do this every day! Take the day off, take the vacation, even if it’s alone, do it now, and stop waiting for someone else. Spend some money on yourself, give compliments, say I love you, ask them out, tell them you admire them, and don’t tolerate bullshit or bad behavior. Stop making excuses for others' bad behavior, and stop apologizing for your existence, you’re allowed to take up space, learn that thing you always wanted to learn, and you’re never too old or young. Fuck society's expectations, fuck the patriarchy, you’re...

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The Benefits Of Sitting In Stillness, Doing Nothing

I had something come up this week while practicing stillness as a part of my Mind Body & Soul Reset program. 

This was one of the challenges this week for everyone in the program including myself. 

To sit in stillness doing nothing. No phone, reading, social media, music, nothing. 

We started with 5 minutes because I know this can be super challenging for me, a perpetual doer, it must also be hard for others, right?

So I’ve been going outside every day to my sitting spot, I take my shoes off to also make sure I ground. Even in stillness, I’m multitasking. 

I sit there and do nothing. I close my eyes and listen to the birds, the creek running. It’s so relaxing. When my mind wanders to my schedule and what I should be doing I bring it back to focus on the birds and the creek. 

So I had two breakthroughs. First, the 5 minutes went by sooo fast, so I stayed there longer. I was surprised at how crazy fast 5 minutes were. I loved it....

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How To Teach People How To Treat Us

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is how to put myself first and why this is so important. I was a top-notch people-pleaser for most of my life including a large portion of my adult life. A lot of this came from just the average run-of-the-mill conditioning by society with the expectation of women to take care of everyone at their own expense, to always put everyone else first and don’t complain about it either because if you do you would be labeled selfish. I’m glad I see a bit of a shift in this conditioning. Women are waking up and realizing they have been getting shafted for quite a while. 


One of the most important things I’ve learned is that putting yourself first is not selfish. It serves us, our families, and our communities as a whole. You see when we put ourselves first and take care of ourselves at the highest levels. Rest when we are tired and sick, spend time doing things that bring us joy, and help us expand and grow. We then...

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3 Ways to Be More Intentional with Your Life Choices: Every Choice Can Lead You Down a New Path

I think it’s so mind-blowing to think about how many decisions we make in a day and how each decision we make leads us down a different path. 

It’s crazy how much control we can have over our life experiences when we start to focus on being really intentional with the way we spend our time and taking the time to make the choices that are aligned with our true selves and our true path. When we learn how to respond to life instead of continuously reacting, we can start to take control. 

I always think of the Katy Perry song where she talks about your life being like a plastic bag in the wind being tossed around not knowing what life will bring you next. 

While this can be true about what comes into our lives, I don’t believe it's true about the outcomes we create with those experiences that come toward us. As I said earlier, we have complete control over how we respond to our life situations, so we then have control over how we want to experience...

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We Are All Connected, How Can We Be More Intentional About This?

This morning I was reading one of my favorite books about wildcrafting, Wild Remedies by Rosalee de la Foret. It's a great beginning book about herbalism and this is the third time I’m reading it. There was a part where she is talking about having a sitting spot to observe nature and I started to think about it, I’ve always had a sitting spot. When I was a kid it was at the shore of Long Island at the peer on Cedar Beach. When I lived near Syracuse NY it was at the shore of a lake in a town park. Now where I live also in upstate NY it’s right on my family's property. We have it all, fields, woods, ponds, creeks, and an abundance of wildlife. 

The Author goes on to talk about how to observe nature and watch how everything is connected and how they all serve each other, support one another, and live in this perfect dance called nature. 

I love sitting on this little bench we have next to the creek on our property and a beautiful garden where we sprinkled my...

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At My Age, I'm Happy To Just Be Doing These Things!


Yesterday, Sunday, was a great day. I was thinking about it all day. How I was having fun, I was relaxed, and the day seemed to last forever. This led me to think to myself why did I enjoy my day so much and why not have every day like this one?

I came to the conclusion that I’m at an age where I’m absolutely blissed out if I just do all the things I love and I thought I would share some of them with you today. 

I want to grow, prepare, and eat delicious plant-based whole food. This means having my hands in the dirt tending to my garden, watching it grow, pulling weeds, and watching the birds making families around me while I’m out there. I can spend 8 hours doing that and be very content and happy. Making the food. I love cooking and especially love plant-based cooking. Learning how to preserve and use the food from my garden is a new learning experience every year. The eating part. Well, we all love eating, don’t we? I think my goal this year is...

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Unleash the Power of Mindful and Intuitive Eating: 11 Tips for Transformation

Unleash the Power of Mindful and Intuitive Eating: 11 Tips for Transformation!

Hey there, beautiful soul! Are you ready to embark on a journey that will forever transform your relationship with food? Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the magical realm of mindful and intuitive eating. Get ready to unleash your inner food goddess and embrace a kind, loving approach to nourishing your body and soul. Let's get started with these 11 powerful tips for your ultimate transformation:

Hello, Gorgeous! Tune into Your Body:

  • Start each meal by checking in with your body. How hungry are you? What does your body truly crave? Trust your instincts and honor your hunger and fullness cues. Some of the things to pay attention to are don’t eat until you’re full, eat until you’re not hungry.  There is a big difference. I know when I like what I’m eating I tend to overeat so be mindful of when you’re just not feeling hungry anymore.

Savor Every Morsel,...

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A Summer Reset for the Mind, Body, & Spirit

Every spring and fall I always get this urge to reset my energy my body, mind, and soul. It's as if over the winter and summer things get all clogged up and I need to clear everything and reset. 

I reset my eating habits, and my fitness, balance my stress levels, and make sure I’m having plenty of fun. 

I check in with myself to see what it is I need and I make sure I do it at the highest level I can. 

It's usually about 8 weeks and by the end, I feel amazing!

Now, this usually takes place in May but I’ve been traveling which makes me feel like I need this even more so I’m looking forward to getting started.

I always start with food because it has a huge effect on my energy and it gives me an immediate boost. I  also love doing it, the cooking the planning, and the growing of the food. Next week I really get started with all my gardening and if you want to follow me to see what it is I do, then join me on Instagram @tinastinsoncoach


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I’m giving up my final fuck to give, are you ready to do the same?

This is what goes through my head when I come on any platform to share my message, my work, and what I’ve learned that I know will help women. 

I feel like if I speak from my soul and my truth that it will be too much. It’s a bit too edgy. That you might think I’m too much or maybe going a little too far. 

I feel it might trigger some women because what I believe is so far from society's norm. But as I said in my last blog and I’ll say it again. When did society's norm ever support women? Support women in a way where they can step into their power and be fully themselves without being judged on every level. It just doesn’t. 

This is what holds me back in my business. Holds me back from speaking about what I know to be true.

I know or believe some people, men & women, might think it's too extreme. I believe the opposite. That when women mute themselves to make others comfortable or to reduce friction and confrontation. Thats fucking...

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Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First

Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First


Nowadays I try to always put myself first. But sometimes the old me sneaks through. 


You might be familiar with the version. I was a top-notch people pleaser, always there to make everyone happy, and to always make sure to avoid all confrontations. I would change into the type of person I thought the person I was with wanted me to be. I always made sure everyone around me was comfortable and happy. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you or have you been in the past a people pleaser?


This was a survival technique I learned from having to avoid the abusive behavior I experienced for most of my life. I lived like this for over 20 years but even after I removed myself from the situation it was such a habit, being in survival mode, that it took me a few more years to break free. 


What happens to a person who does everything to please others, always takes care of others, and puts herself last?

They lose...

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