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Vegan Sweet and Red Potato Au Gratin

It's getting close to Thanksgiving and I'm definitely going to be having this dish on the table! Most of the dishes I make are based on the veggies I get from my local CSA. This one was so yummy my son licked the plate. That's always a good sign!


What you need:


3 to 4 sweet potatoes

3-4 red potatoes (Or whatever you have in the fridge)

1 can of coconut milk

¼ cup of nutritional yeast

3 tablespoons of flour

1 large clove of garlic

salt and pepper to taste

nutmeg and breadcrumbs optional.


The first time I made this I also used turnips because I had so many of them in the fridge. This turned out quite well and I'm sure it would be delish either way!




Preheat the over to 375 degrees.

Grease pie dish with coconut oil.

Slice potatoes and turnips if using thin and even.

Take the rest of the ingredients and put in a blender and blend until smooth. If you don't have a blender mince the garlic and mix ingredients with a whisk until...

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5 Ways To Get Started With Meal Prep and Batch Cooking

batch cook meal prep Sep 05, 2018

  1. Batch Cook and Start Freezing - This is a great way to start with batch cooking. Find a few core recipes that freeze well, make a large batch and freeze in the portion size you need. You could prepare some for the family dinner and some for lunches.

    Things like chili, soups, burrito fillings, or even the whole burrito! When I do the soups I'll do a base and then when I'm cooking it add the pasta, rice, or quinoa. Otherwise, it gets mushy.

  2. Meal Prepping – What exactly do I mean by this? My personal definition of meal prep is preparing a bunch of veggies and precooking some food to easily put meals together when you lack time or motivation. For example, when I was getting my weekly CSA(community supported agriculture) box AKA big box of veggies, I would wash and prep all of it when I got it. This increased the likelihood of me eating it and not wasting it. We are all familiar with that unrecognizable plastic bag in the fridge that smells super funky! I'm so guilty of this....

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Spicy Roasted Sweet Potato Bites - 4 Things To Remove From Your Diet To Help With Weight Loss


These tasty bites are something I make quite often. I make a bunch too so I have leftovers! They are a great snack, side dish for dinner or even with some tofu scramble for breakfast. I add them to wraps and burritos. Anytime you need something sweet with a kick they're good.

Super easy to make with just a few ingredients, these are a great plant-based, whole-food recipe to add to your favorites!

What you will need:

4 Medium Sweet potatoes, peeled and diced into half inch pieces.

2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

1/2 Teaspoon of cinnamon.

1/4 Teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Add as much as you like. You might like it really spicy!

Salt and pepper to taste.

What you need to do:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine the sweets with all the other ingredients and mix well. Prepare a cookie sheet with parchment paper and place the sweet potato mixture on the cookie sheet. Spread out evenly. Bake the sweets for 25 mins. or until slightly browned on the outside. Remove from oven...

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