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Redefining Failure as Feedback for Success: Why failing is important

Most of us have this negative reaction when we hear about failure. 

It’s viewed as this bad thing that we need to avoid. The dreaded F Word!

What a lot of us don’t realize or ignore is that failure is just a part of the process as your work your way to success. 

Most successful people will tell you. In order to succeed or reach a goal or dream you will have to fail forward. 

The more we can define this F-word as FEEDBACK instead of FAILURE the faster we can reach our goals. 

Think about it. We set a goal, or we have a dream. We then take the next step and that is we decide how we will move forward to reach this goal. (The first step) 

We then take the step. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it's a little of both. 

What happens next is the most important part of being successful. 

  • Do you say to yourself, well that didn’t work, guess I’m not cut out for this and then go back to whatever...
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