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6 Quick Confidence Boosters

6 Quick Confidence Boosters

Helping with immediate challenges


While there's a lot of things you can do to help with your confidence on a deeper level that has more staying power, today I'm talking about tips for a quick confidence boost in an immediate situation you might be dealing with.


So first what is confidence? And what is the difference between confidence and self-worth/esteem?


Self-esteem is your sense of self, who you are, and your acceptance of that.


Confidence is a belief in your capabilities.


These definitely have an effect on each other but are different things.


Here are a few quick tips to help improve your confidence levels.


  • Visualization - Before going into a situation you might be intimidated with, rehearse it successfully in your head. Go through the whole situation step by step. See yourself getting through it successfully without any problems.

  • Educate yourself about the subject or the challenge your facing,...

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Finding Your "Why"

Finding Your “Why”

Putting strong intention behind your goals and dreams.


One of the first things I have my clients do when they are setting goals or they have a big dream that they want to bring to life is to have them do the “Finding Your “Why”” exercise.

There's a couple of things this does for a person.


  1. It helps the person discover if this is indeed their goal. You might say, “Who else s goal would it be?” Well sometimes people will set a goal trying to please someone in their life like a parent, significant other, children, or even society. If you dig deep and can't find the passion behind the goal, it might not be yours.

  2. It also can help you dig deep and find the true meaning behind why this goal is important to you. The deeper you dig, the more emotion and passion you will put behind the goal giving it intention and power.

  3. Having a well thought out “Why” behind each goal gives you something to...

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mindset self improvement Jan 02, 2021
Do You Believe You Set Your Own Limitations?
Whatever your personal limitations are.
Whether it's your age, your money situation, where you live, the state of the economy, or health.
Do you believe you have control over these limitations or do you believe you're a victim of them?
Some of you might get angry about this comment but you do have control.
The truth is that we set our own limitations. If we believe that limitation to be true then it will be. If however, we can look at the limitation we perceive to be there and find a way to disprove it, create a new belief, and live by that new belief, we can create better life circumstances for ourselves.
The first step is to accept that you absolutely created the reality you live in now.
The most exciting thing is, you can change that reality to reflect something much better.
It's the Open Jar Concept.
If you put a bunch of fleas in a jar that is 5 inches tall and put a lid on that jar the fleas will be trained, over...
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3 Reasons You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals

Why You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals


I absolutely love vision boards! I make one every year and I find it not just fun but also a creative and powerful practice.

I love looking at it every day and being able to visualize each goal and feel the positive feelings that come with the journey to reaching each one of them. This is why I do this every year and sometimes even more than once a year. Because it works. It adds that extra boost, and focus you need to keep moving forward even when things might get hard.


I want to go over a few reasons why this works, it's not magic, although it feels that way. It's just a fun way to make things happen so it doesn't feel like work:)


  1. Creating a vision board makes you commit to specific goals – In order to create the creative masterpiece that you will use to inspire you to take action you have to really be specific about the goals and find creative ways to convey them on paper or digitally....

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4 Steps To Help Re-Frame Any Situation

One of the most transformational things I learned to do was changing my perspective on the situations in my life.

The funny thing was, that I did it purely out of survival and didn't even realize it too much until it became a habit. I really would focus on trying to figure out why things, kinda crappy things, kept happening to me. I knew I needed to make a shift from this.

You see, I was dealing with so many stressful things at once that I had no choice to look at them differently. The only other choice I had was to spiral into panic and depression and this was unacceptable because I had 3 young children depending on me and me only.

I could go into deeply what I was dealing with but it doesn't really matter too much. People deal with stressful situations differently so something very stressful for me might be considered a walk in the park to you. What is important is feeling good with the place you are right now and to learn from those crappy situations as much as you can and...

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Live with Purpose Now!

This is more than just a blog post, it's also a take action, kick-butt workbook!  If you want a printable copy head over to www.tinastinson.com and you can download this right on the front page!

Also, want to connect with like-minded women that want to thrive in their second half? Join the Facebook Group, Empowering Women at 40 and beyond. 

We cover everything you need to know about reconnecting to yourself, hitting the reset button on your health, and learning how to be unapologetically you to live with purpose!


Everything we are surrounded with throughout our whole life gives us the impression that once we reach mid-life as women we are past our prime, old and worn out, and that we are at some kind of an endpoint.

Media and advertising lead us to believe that aging is not good and we should do everything in our power to stop and delay it.

 It might make us feel unappreciated, somewhat invisible, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.

 Well excuse...

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5-5 Minute Health Tips To Get Back On Track Today

Now that we are coming into the cooler months and the kids are kinda going back to school it's also time to get our healthy habits back on track.

With everything that is going on in the world today, I can sometimes get overwhelmed and I decided to write this post with this in mind.

What can I do that only takes a few minutes that will improve my health and keep me on track? Here are 5 things to get you started.

  1. Eat more plant-based WHOLE FOOD. - If this sounds like a big, more than 5-minute step to you, well, It can be. It doesn't have to be though. Let's break it down. What is plant-based? This is eating food that does NOT come from animals. So no meat, dairy, eggs. Now, What is WHOLE FOOD? This is eating food that is unprocessed, foods that come from the earth with no ingredient label, or a very limited ingredient label. By eating a plant-based whole food diet you are fueling your body with vitamins, nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. There are no...
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Food As Medicine - Garlic

Food as Medicine - Garlic

Hey there everybody! We have heard and read a lot about medicinal herbs and how they’re useful for our health. So here’s a little piece about garlic as one of the best essential herbs that you can grow at your home. It is one of the most commonly used herbs in recipes to enrich it with a delicious flavor and taste as well but the herb works stupendously for certain health care aspects.

Known by a range of names globally, garlic is believed to be native to Siberia but had a global widespread about 5000 years ago. However, it had been essential in medical practices since ancient times. The words of the well-known ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, also widely known as the Father of Western Medicine claimed ~ “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”. He had incorporated the practice of prescribing garlic as a medicine to those in need which almost tells us that it has always been crucial to medicine and health.


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Food As Medicine - Basil

Food As Medicine – Basil

Today we are going to be talking about basil. This is just growing like crazy in the garden right now and I've been making vegan pesto and freezing it to enjoy in those winter months so I figured this would be a great topic to cover since home gardening seems to be very popular this year.

Most people don't think of herbs as being very nutritionally dense, but they are packed with nutrients! Adding them daily when you cook can very beneficial to your health. Learn some of the benefits below.

Basil is loaded with goodness and contains:

  • Vitamin K

  • Manganese

  • Copper

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Calcium

  • Folate

  • Iron

  • Omega 3 fats

  • Magnesium

Benefits for your health:

  • The flavonoids in basil provide protection on a cellular level against radiation and oxygen-based damage.

  • Basil provides protection from unwanted bacterial growth.

  • Basil is an anti-inflammatory that can provide healing benefits for people with inflammatory health problems.

  • ...

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Food As Medicine - Zucchini

Most people don't realize that zucchini is surprisingly healthy and packed with nutrients. If you've ever grown zucchini in a garden you known it can be extremely abundant, so I do believe we take it for granted.

Zucchini is a member of the gourd family that originated from Central America and is now enjoyed all over the world. It has zero fat and is high in fiber and water content.

Zucchini is loaded with goodness and is high in:

  • Fiber
  • Water
  • Vitamin B6
  • Riboflavin
  • Folate
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

Some of the benefits you can experience are:

  1. Improved Digestion - Because zucchini is high in water and fiber content it can significantly improve digestion and constipation.
  2. Slows Down Aging - Zucchini is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients which can help reduce toxins in the body and protect you against free radicals and inflammation.
  3. Helps Balance Blood Sugar Levels- Because of your increased fiber intake when eating zucchini it can help balance your...
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