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Deep Level Self Care Series: Go From Chaos To Calm w/ Decluttering Practices

This is the last step in the decluttering practice and if you haven't read the other two you can visit them here:

Deep Level Self Care Series: Decluttering The Mind

Deep Level Self Care Series: Creating Flow In Your Life with Decluttering

Inside the SASC Bootcamp I call this decluttering your processes. It’s about looking at the way you do everything in your life, your standard operating procedures, and finding all the places you find friction and discomfort and then trying to remove, reduce, and improve. 

The more we refine these things, the more we remove stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. We reduce our chance of burnout. 

As I said at the beginning of this series, there are 11 practices I share in the Bootcamp and when you put all of them together they create a powerhouse of support for you. When you make the decision to support yourself at this level you create a mindset shift for yourself to always have your own back and to put your health and wellness at the...

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Removing Friction From Your Daily Life To Create Peace & Flow

"Create flow in your life and environment by reducing friction. 


When we eliminate unnecessary obstacles and simplify our surroundings, we can experience more ease and harmony in our daily lives. Whether it's decluttering your space, streamlining your schedule, or simplifying your relationships, take small steps to create more flow and enjoy the benefits of a more peaceful and fulfilling life. “


Today I want to talk with you about all those little and sometimes big things that clog us our energy space and create more stress and anxiety.


As a person who can vert easily become stressed or also be drawn into a state of anxiety, these “little things” actually have some pretty big effects on our lives. Let me share some with you that can have this effect on your life. 


One is our space, For a moment look around you and do a quick audit of your space. Ask Yourself, is it cluttered? Is it filled with the things I love and bring me...

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Why You’re Too Busy & 3 Ways You Can Create More Time

How many times have you felt like there is not enough time in the day or like you’re flying by the seat of your pants and you're late to everything, business appointments, calls, family moments, and picking your kids up from school?

I’ve been there and know what it feels like to be one step behind time. It feels stressful and kinda depleting. Depleting my energy and my soul. 


That's the perfect way to explain it, soul-sucking.


The worst part is, most of the things we are doing. Don’t light us up inside. It's not what we really want to be doing. 

It’s not what we’re passionate about. 

So how did we get here? Well, for one thing, society praises people who are “too busy” as being important and worthy, and it's kinda a badge of honor to say when someone asks you what you’ve been up to. You say “Oh, sooo busy”. 

We, as women are also raised to be giving and caring, and to ask for nothing in...

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Live With Purpose Series - Decluttering To Create Space For The New

One of my favorite things to talk about is decluttering and some of the amazing benefits that come from it. 

You might think, what does this have to do with living with purpose? 

Let’s talk about that.

When you create space in your life, whether it be physical space or mental space, you automatically make room for all the new things you’ve been trying to manifest into your life.

If you’ve been trying to bring something into your life for a long time, physical or mental if there is no space or time for it, then how can it come in? It literally has nowhere to go.


In this episode of the SASC podcast, we will talk about how decluttering creates space and time for you to live an amazing life.

Listen to Episode 027 Here: https://www.tinastinson.com/podcasts/soul-aligned-self-care/episodes/2147842107


How many times can you remember wishing, hoping, and wanting for something in your life and it just doesn’t come? So frustrating. Then you...

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Reduce Stress & Create More Time with Decluttering

Now I know when I say decluttering your first thought might be cleaning out all the closets, getting rid of old clothes, and cleaning out that all so famous junk drawer. And yes, this is decluttering and it is one of my favorite kinds. 


Today we are not just going to be talking about decluttering space but also decluttering your mind and your processes. 


When we declutter our mind, space, & processes we reduce stress and can actually create more time for ourselves.


Let’s start by diving into decluttering the mind.


We all have a to-do list whether it’s a mental one or a physical one. We also all have those things we need to do that we keep putting off because they are just downright unpleasant.  For instance, calling the bank about that unwanted charge, or making that mammogram appointment. 


We don’t want to do it, so we keep moving it to the bottom of the list. 


The stress-inducing part of this...

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