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From Trauma to Transformation with guest Nathan Simmonds

Discovering Rapid Change Therapy: My Chat with Nathan Simmons on the Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast

Hey friends! I recently had an amazing conversation with Nathan Simmons on the Soul Aligned Self-Care podcast. Nathan is a rapid change therapist and leadership coach, and we dove deep into his transformative journey and the incredible impact of his work.

I wanted to share some of the key themes and insights from our chat with you all, along with some actionable advice and explanations to help guide you on your own journey.

Meet Nathan Simmons and His Work

Nathan Simmons is a super talented leadership coach with a background in NLP, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. He focuses on tackling developmental trauma, shadow integration, and subconscious programming that often keep us stuck in unhealthy habits. His holistic approach aims to create quick and profound changes in his clients' lives.

Key Themes We Covered:

  • Developmental Trauma and Subconscious Programming
  • Hypnotherapy and Rapid...
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Beat Burnout: Simple Tips for a Happier, Less Stressed You

Beat Burnout: Simple Tips for a Happier, Less Stressed You

When I was in my 30’s I experienced such an intense level of burnout that I ended up having a stroke. Through my recovery I knew I had too learn how to heal my nervous system and create a life and space around me that felt good, supported, and more relaxed.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out? You’re not alone. Life can be hectic, but with a few simple changes, you can start feeling more balanced and joyful, before you get yourself in the state that I experienced. 

As a life coach specializing in burnout prevention, I’m here to share some easy self-care practices, somatic exercises, and fun tactics to help you stay connected and purposeful every day.

First Things First, Recognize the Signs

First things first, let’s identify the signs of burnout. If you’re feeling constantly tired, irritable, or detached, it’s time to take action. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step...

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7 Ways Protect Your Energy from Negative People and Situations

Hey there, Soul Aligned Tribe!

Guess what? I've got some sparkly, golden nuggets from the latest episode of the "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast" to share with you! This week, we're diving into a topic that hits home for all of us: dealing with negative people and situations. Trust me, this episode is like a magical shield for your energy and well-being. Ready to sprinkle some positivity? Let’s go!

Here are the key takeaways from our chat:

  • Protecting Your Energy: We all encounter negativity, but how we handle it can make all the difference. This episode is all about safeguarding your mental and emotional health like a pro.
  • My Wake-Up Call: Picture this: at 39, I had a stroke due to stress and burnout. Yikes, right? This life-altering event pushed me to explore deep self-care practices. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’m here to share all the juicy details.
  • Essential for Well-Being: Setting and maintaining boundaries is like building a cozy, protective fort...
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7 Ways Protect Your Energy from Negative People and Situations

Hey there, Soul Aligned Tribe!

Guess what? I've got some sparkly, golden nuggets from the latest episode of the "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast" to share with you! This week, we're diving into a topic that hits home for all of us: dealing with negative people and situations. Trust me, this episode is like a magical shield for your energy and well-being. Ready to sprinkle some positivity? Let’s go!

Here are the key takeaways from our chat:

  • Protecting Your Energy: We all encounter negativity, but how we handle it can make all the difference. This episode is all about safeguarding your mental and emotional health like a pro.
  • My Wake-Up Call: Picture this: at 39, I had a stroke due to stress and burnout. Yikes, right? This life-altering event pushed me to explore deep self-care practices. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’m here to share all the juicy details.
  • Essential for Well-Being: Setting and maintaining boundaries is like building a cozy, protective fort...
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Beyond Fitness: The Holistic Benefits of Mindful Movement

Changing your mindset about movement

Something I've been thinking about a lot recently is how we move about our lives. Not just to stay in shape. But all the ways in which we move our bodies and how these things can hurt us or help us get stronger and thrive.


I used to think that all physical movement was good for me at all times. Even when I was exhausted, I pushed myself to go on a run or workout. I still do this sometimes today!


I have learned through the recovery process from being in a constant state of fight or flight and also from healing from a stroke that this is not always the case. 


We can experience the most growth and healing from our time at rest and this is when our muscles actually grow. 


Not letting ourselves rest can actually make us weaker and more susceptible to sickness. 


Also, for women, there is the added bonus of our cycle and I now know that there are certain times for certain types of movement and certain...

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From Exhausted to Empowered: How Women Can Recenter and Thrive

Recentering Yourself to Thrive in Life Long-Term

Many of us, especially women, spend a large portion of our lives centering others. Whether that be a partner, children, or caring for parents. It looks different for all of us. 

From a young age many women are taught to be the caretaker from our mothers, as they were taught. We are taught to take care of everyone else first, this is our purpose, this is how we survive. At least that is where this behavior came from. 

It wasn't too long ago that women couldn’t have a bank account, couldn’t own a house, without a man. So, as a matter of survival this is what we did and how we were taught your mothers to survive.

Now, things are a changing. Women don’t need a man to survive. As a matter of fact, I think as a whole, women are better at managing life because of the way we were raised. 

But the lasting remnants of this are still around and there are many women who still put everyone else first before...

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Second Half, Best Half: Empowering Mindset Shifts for Women

Embracing your Second Act: Empowering Mindset Shifts for Women Midlife

I don’t know about you but as I am well into being a midlifer and most of the time I fail to feel or remember this fact. I still feel like I did when I was in my twenties but much better as far as confidence and nofucksgiviness. Yes, this is my new word.

I truly believe this is because I’m always working on and upgrading my mindset to keep me inspired and feeling good. I also believe that being single has helped with this quite a bit. 

Hear me out. It’s just me in my household and sometimes that does suck, like when you're sick and you have to walk the dog. Most of the time what it does is give me the freedom to do whatever I want when I want without any judgment or insecurities. I know  a lot of people do have this type of a relationship with their significant other but I never did. 

I like the fact that if I want to change anything about myself and my surroundings I don’t...

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5 Actions That Get You Unstuck

5 Actions You Can Take To Get Unstuck

Listen To The Podcast HERE

Every one of us has those points of transition in our lives. Sometimes We move through them with no problem, it’s not usually enjoyable but we keep moving forward so it’s over at some point. Then we have those times where we know we are in a transition period but we’re just not moving forward, we're stuck and it’s so frustrating. 

I’ve definitely been here, more than once, and I have a few things I do to push myself up and out and start to move forward. 

So, why do we get stuck? Well, this can be different for everyone but a lot of times it's because we are in a state of fight, flight, or freeze. Hence the freeze part. Also, it might just be the fear of the unknown and your own body & brain not letting you leave your comfort zone. 

hen we are in freeze because we experienced something very stressful or traumatic, your brain goes into protection mode. It’s your...

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Using Your Intuition to Get Unstuck

Using Intuition To Get Unstuck

Listen to the podcast Here

One of the very clear lessons I’ve learned on my path to getting unstuck and finding my purpose is how important my intuition is, my gut instinct, my inner guidance, my higher self. Whatever you want to call it. This connection with ourselves, our heart and soul to the brain is so important and I would say necessary in order to really be aligned. 

The reason I felt completely disconnected with myself for so long was because I was living in a state of fight, flight, freeze, survival, stress and anxiety, my whole life. When you're in this state, your brain is only focused on basic survival, keeping you safe, and using as little energy as possible. 

Some of the things that are important are keeping you alive even if the situation is not beneficial or supportive to your growth and happiness. So, thriving and living your life fully is not at the top of the list, survival and energy conservation is. 


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Mindful Eating as A Part Of your Self Care: 4 Steps to Get Started

Mindful Eating as a part of your Self Care

As a certified holistic health and life coach and culinary nutrition educator. Today, I’m excited to share a guide on mindful eating that will help you with weight loss and digestion through easy-to-implement tips. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Portion Sizes and Eating Slowly

One significant change in the US over the past 50 years is our serving sizes. They have steadily increased to double what they used to be, sometimes even more. When we eat out, we usually have enough for two meals, and many of us eat these meals in one sitting. Even our plate sizes have increased, so when we eat at home, we sometimes fill our plates just because they are larger. I’ve noticed that my grandmother's china has what look like miniature plates compared to today's standards.

Additionally, we tend to eat very quickly due to our busy lives. Even when we have the time, the habit of rushing persists, leading us to take big bites and not...

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