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Todays Thought - Being Resonable VS Dreaming Big

drean big goals Oct 02, 2022

Being Reasonable VS Dreaming Big


When we were little kids our parents read us beautiful stories about amazing things. We were encouraged to dream big, and use our imagination, the bigger the better, the more creative the better. As a matter of fact, I remember doing this on the daily, and living this way was complete bliss.


I had a whole dream world going on and in this world, I had complete control of how everything played out. 


Well, believe it or not, this is really how our world works, we get what we have the courage to ask for and if you ask for small you will get small.


Then as we get older we are told to color in the lines, follow the rules, be quiet, respect authority, be reasonable, blah blah blah. 


So which is it? It’s a bit confusing, right? 


Well being reasonable never got anyone anywhere fabulous. I would argue that anyone who has any amazing experiences in their life had to have some big unreasonable...

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Get Unstuck Series - Learning Your Dreams, Passions, & Purpose

Get Unstuck Series - Learning Your Dreams, Passions, & Purpose

In this next episode of the “Get Unstuck Series” I thought it would be good to talk about how to dream big, and find your passions, & purpose. 

What does that even mean?

Speaking from experience, when I was feeling beyond stuck. I mean, I was so freaking stuck I couldn’t even begin to know what I wanted. 

I had to start reconnecting with myself. Who was I now, who was I before, what do I want, Am I even allowed to dream big? 

I mean I actually used to think, why bother? I was so beaten down that I didn’t even know where to start. 

So what I did was I went back. I went back to a time before I was beaten down, when I remember being happy, inspired, and excited about everything in life. 

I thought to myself, I need to feel this way again.

I have to, and everyone needs to feel this way.

Don’t try to sell me the line, oh Tina grow up, not everything is fun and...

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Get Unstuck Series - Protecting Your Energy & Vibrating Higher

In order to start to dream big and to be able to bring these dreams into our reality, we need to get aligned with them.


We know our core values, so we know where we want to focus our energy. But how do we protect our energy and get into a higher vibration in our lives?


Now if you haven’t yet written out your core values, go back and listen to episode 012 of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast

However, you don’t need to do this to benefit from reading this blog post today. So continue on and listen to 012 later.


We do this by putting ourselves in the right environment surrounding ourselves with positive influences and also, consuming the right media for us personally.


Everybody is individual, they have their loves and dislikes. This can be very personal. But I can help guide you and show you what works for me personally and you can adjust it to fit into your life.


To me, this is very powerful deep-level self-care and love. It’s...

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Get Unstuck Series - Celebrate Your Starting Point

In order to get where you want to go, to reach those big goals & dreams, you need to know where you are starting. You need to acknowledge yourself, and all the successes and struggles you’ve experienced.


Just like when you're driving somewhere using a GPS, you need a starting point and then a destination in order to get to where you’re going successfully.


Your life is the same way so today we are going to talk about how we can acknowledge, celebrate, and then activate ourselves to move forward in order to get out of that stuck position.


We are going to take a fun and quick assessment to see where you might be out of balance in your life and then we will focus on how to find out what our core values are. Only after this can we start to dream big and then start to move toward those dreams.


Are you ready to get started?


Let’s go!

 Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<<

Starting with the...

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How To Handle Relationships That No Longer Serve You

I decided to tackle this topic mostly because not only have I been experiencing this more lately, but also just about everyone I know. 


Over the past few years, a lot of us have changed. Some of us have really been focused on how to really be an authentic version of ourselves and to honor that 100 % of the time.


I've seen this with myself, my clients, and my friends.


I believe the climate of the world around us really has awakened us, made us hop off the hamster wheel of life, and paused for a moment. I mean, we were kinda forced to. Which I believe was a good thing!


The question that has come up is, what the heck am I doing? Why am I doing it? How does this serve me? This is nuts!


A Lot of us have discovered that we are doing things that are not true to us at our deepest level, not aligned with our values at all. 


A lot of us spend almost all of our time, our most valuable asset, doing things that don’t light us up inside or...

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How To Dream Big & Step Into That Version Of You Now

If you knew you could have anything you wanted without fail, what would you pursue?


This is the magic question. 


Most people don’t go much further than this because they don’t think they can have what they want.


They might think it’s too big, too much, too whatever. 


Or, they might think, I’m too young, too old, not educated enough, not experienced enough.


The bigness of it overwhelms you and it feels much safer to stick with the status quo.


I’m here to tell you, if you can think it, dream it, you get to have it. 


Think of it this way. As soon as it pops into your head, it exists. It’s there, bamm, you just started the creation process. Don’t leave it hanging!


Think about the i phone. If someone told you about a dream they had to create this handheld iphone/computer in the 70s you would have thought they were bat shit crazy.


But here we are.


If you’re...

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Reduce Stress & Create More Time with Decluttering

Now I know when I say decluttering your first thought might be cleaning out all the closets, getting rid of old clothes, and cleaning out that all so famous junk drawer. And yes, this is decluttering and it is one of my favorite kinds. 


Today we are not just going to be talking about decluttering space but also decluttering your mind and your processes. 


When we declutter our mind, space, & processes we reduce stress and can actually create more time for ourselves.


Let’s start by diving into decluttering the mind.


We all have a to-do list whether it’s a mental one or a physical one. We also all have those things we need to do that we keep putting off because they are just downright unpleasant.  For instance, calling the bank about that unwanted charge, or making that mammogram appointment. 


We don’t want to do it, so we keep moving it to the bottom of the list. 


The stress-inducing part of this...

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Get Unstuck and Live with Purpose

We all have those times in our lives when we feel stuck, stagnant, and uninspired. 

You could feel a bit lost and not know how to move forward. All you do know for sure is you don’t want to stay where you’re at right now.

It could be your home situation, a relationship, your job, or your business. It can be all of the above!

I can relate to this. I think a good part of the reason this happens is that we get too busy doing instead of just being. We get busy. Bust taking care of everything for everyone.

This is definitely more common for women just because of social expectations and traditions.

Some women take care of the home, the kids, their significant other, their parents, all outside appointments, planning family gatherings, etc.. 

They also work full time while doing this and don’t forget we need to look a certain way, be a certain way and for crying out loud we should be grateful.

Now I’m not saying these pressures don't sometimes haunt men but...

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10 Ways To Treat Yourself

Do You ever take the time to do something nice for yourself? Do you make time for fun? Well, today we are talking about some of the ways we can really start to not only take care of ourselves at a high level but also treat ourselves and have some fun with it.

You see a lot of us spend most of our time taking care of everyone else for most of our adult lives. Our significant other, kids, friends, our parents, just about everyone we love, and then some.

Some of us even take pride in being this selfless.

But the sad truth is, that if you're not caring for yourself at least at this same level then you will burn out, get overwhelmed, and it will even show up in your body as dis-ease if you do this for an extended amount of time.

Another negative side effect of being selfless is that after focusing on everyone else's well-being for so long and not your own, you lose yourself, you forget what you want and like in life. You feel a bit lost and sometimes stuck.

So today I’m asking you...

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Self-Care Sunday - How To Stop Judging Yourself "LIVE"

self care sunday Jun 19, 2022

Watch this week's live replay of Self-Care Sunday with the link below.

Xo, T

P.S. Be sure to subscribe and like if you're vibing with me and thank you in advance.

Watch the live here>> https://youtu.be/1LimEOOn-N4

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