How many times have you felt like there is not enough time in the day or like you’re flying by the seat of your pants and you're late to everything, business appointments, calls, family moments, and picking your kids up from school?
I’ve been there and know what it feels like to be one step behind time. It feels stressful and kinda depleting. Depleting my energy and my soul.
That's the perfect way to explain it, soul-sucking.
The worst part is, most of the things we are doing. Don’t light us up inside. It's not what we really want to be doing.
It’s not what we’re passionate about.
So how did we get here? Well, for one thing, society praises people who are “too busy” as being important and worthy, and it's kinda a badge of honor to say when someone asks you what you’ve been up to. You say “Oh, sooo busy”.
We, as women are also raised to be giving and caring, and to ask for nothing in...
What’s on the other side of your comfort zone? Magic, that's what!
So today is the spring equinox & a new moon in march of 2023. If you reading this at another time, don’t stop here because this message is a powerful message at any time.
I just think right now it's supercharged so it would be a shame not to take advantage of that.
We all know that when we step out of our comfort zone there is always magic on the other side. Even when it doesn't turn out the way we want, it always helps us grow.
Some of us also know that when we look at what we fear doing, it's almost always the one thing we need to do.
Except for skydiving, that's a hard no for me. All I visualize with that is me vomiting and passing out mid-air which it not growth.
Being in our comfort zone can be good sometimes. In times to celebrate and relish in our successes.
But don’t stay there too long. Only because we can't really grow there and it's human nature...
When I was a bit younger I was an award-winning people pleaser. All I focused on was how I could make everyone else happy and I rarely focused on myself.
One of the things I noticed disappear during this time period was my connection with myself, my intuition, and my trust in myself.
These are some pretty important things to have in your life so I was pretty unhappy and I was totally burnt out.
It took a major health emergency to wake me up too.
I definitely don’t want this for you or anyone for that matter and that's why I always share what I went through and what I learned.
It took me close to a decade to reprogram myself to know in my soul that when I put myself first everyone benefits, this is a long time. But you have to remember, I spent all of my life being a people pleaser before that. Even as a child. So you know, it takes some time to reprogram.
Why did it take so long? Well, I didn’t even really know that setting boundaries is what I...
Many of us go through our daily lives like a hamster on a hamster wheel just going, going, and doing.
We're not paying close attention to the way we're spending our precious time.
Most of us are so busy that even if we were asked at the end of the day what we spent our time doing we couldn't even answer that.
Today, I want to talk about becoming more intentional with your time, bringing awareness to how you're spending your time so that you could spend more time on the things that you love, with the people you love, and working towards your dreams and goals.
It's about making your dreams and goals your priority.
Now, everybody's going to have different dreams and goals and yours might be to just relax more. It could be being the best possible mother in the world, or being one of the most supportive friends.
It's about asking yourself what your priority in life is, what's important to you, and bringing awareness to that right now and then being...
I absolutely love this topic. I love chipping away at all these little ways I can support my energy and take care of myself at the highest level.
I’m also a big fan of baby steps.
This week I wanted to share with you some things I do on a regular basis to be really intentional about what I choose to expose my energy to.
I want to point out that this is a choice, some might not agree but with a little awareness and some strong boundaries, you get to create the environment you live in.
All of it, is how you work, who you spend time with, and what media you expose yourself to. These are all choices we make every day. Sometimes not consciously.
So starting now is the best time to start to bring awareness to your energy enhancers and suckers and adjust accordingly. The best part is you can break it down into all these baby steps and today I’m going to share a few that I love to work on.
Media is one thing that takes a huge toll on me and a lot of my clients and...
This is a statement I think we all have heard at one time or another. What does it mean though and how do we achieve this?
I think the first thing to bring to our awareness is that fear isn’t bad. It’s meant to protect us from danger. The problem is that it’s trying to protect us from things that are not dangerous and we have to be able to not only determine that but then step through it.
If we listened to fear every time I think we would all be curled up in the fetal position not experiencing anything in our lives. Kinda like being managed by an extreme helicopter parent.
We need to be mindful of the message asking ourselves, is this really truly something that might hurt me or is it just taking me out of my comfort zone?
To me, it can feel like excitement and I like to define it this way. We all know when we leave our comfort zone, amazing things happen, and we grow and learn and have new experiences. Overall good, right? Even if...
Another Hard Lesson For Me From the Universe
This is the second time the universe is trying to teach me this lesson. I’m not going to lie, I thought I had it down. I mean this is what I teach other people so I should have it down pretty well, right? I mean, I feel pretty damn good most of the time.
Question: Am I so used to the way anxiety feels in my body that I don’t even realize I’m anxious?
The first time I learned this lesson was when I had a stroke caused by stress when I was 39. So I learned my lesson which was, It’s not just about what you eat and how much you exercise. It’s about taking care of your stress levels too. It was a hard lesson but I worked really hard at reducing my stress and anxiety, I tried everything and it worked. I felt so much better. I started coaching others on how I did this, what worked, and how I made it a habit.
I suppose I did not take into consideration the absolute chaos the world...
For this week's Monday Self-Care Challenge, I talked shortly about being authentically yourself very simply because it's easier. You don’t have to TRY to be a certain way you just ARE a certain way. Much easier, right?
There is obviously more to it than that but this is a good way to think about it.
Before I get started, be sure to sign up for the 2023 FREE SASC Masterclass Series where you will get access to 5 masterclasses throughout the year. All you have to do is sign up once and they'll get emailed right to your inbox. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to be able to be a part of these powerful masterclasses. Sign up here>>
Starting when I was younger because there was some stress in my household I became the people pleaser. I hated confrontation and my motto was, avoid confrontation at all costs. As I got older I mastered the art of people pleasing. This was not a good thing.
I don’t talk a lot about food a lot when I’m talking about deep-level self care but it is an important part of self care and also about choosing yourself.
When we eat healthy, fresh, whole foods, then in turn we feel good, we have energy, and it supports our long-term health.
When we eat processed crap 0% of the time, we don’t usually feel great but also this habit will have long-term effects on your health you might not see until middle age.
Let me tell you a little FACT. When you reach middle age, you don’t feel old. I mean I feel the same mentally as I did when I was younger so I kinda want my body to feel good too.
Making some really small shifts in your mindset and lifestyle will help with this.
Some of you might not know this about me but I started off as a holistic health coach and then I got my certification in culinary nutrition...
I’ve been chatting with you for a couple of weeks now talking about how you need to stop all the doing, doing, doing, and start to get centered and tuned into yourself, your true self, and asking the question:
Is this what I want to be doing?
Is it something I love?
Is it something I’m proud of?
Does it give me purpose?
If not, then it's time to make some changes.
It’s about interrupting the robot like doing, what society expects of us, and start paying attention to our needs first. When you do this, all of society benefits because you’ll be putting your best self and your best work and creations into the world.
It’s time for you to start making small shifts toward the things you love.
Instead of spending 75% of your life serving a person/company/corporation who sometimes does not contribute to our community. It’s time to flip-flop that number to you spending this time on the things you...