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Deep Level Self Care Series: Raising Your Vibration To Feel Better

Deep Level Self Care Series: Raising Your Vibration To Feel Better

As we come to a close of the deep-level self-care series I'm just sharing with you a few of my favorite topics that I cover inside of the Soul-Aligned Self-Care Bootcamp and this is one of them.

The reason it's a favorite is because it's so easy to do, it's free to do, and it works almost instantaneously. Raising your vibration or I suppose you can also say improving your mood but I think that sounds much less fun.

Raising your vibration or improving your mood is not an all-or-nothing practice.

What I mean by this is, it's not about feeling joyful and perfect all the time.

It's more about tuning into your own needs. getting present at that moment, and then asking yourself what you need.  Also to, give yourself what you need.

I know this sounds like a lot but you can do this multiple times a day for under 15 minutes.

Before I get started I want to share with you a tool that I use. It's called the emotional...

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Get Unstuck Series - Protecting Your Energy & Vibrating Higher

In order to start to dream big and to be able to bring these dreams into our reality, we need to get aligned with them.


We know our core values, so we know where we want to focus our energy. But how do we protect our energy and get into a higher vibration in our lives?


Now if you haven’t yet written out your core values, go back and listen to episode 012 of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast

However, you don’t need to do this to benefit from reading this blog post today. So continue on and listen to 012 later.


We do this by putting ourselves in the right environment surrounding ourselves with positive influences and also, consuming the right media for us personally.


Everybody is individual, they have their loves and dislikes. This can be very personal. But I can help guide you and show you what works for me personally and you can adjust it to fit into your life.


To me, this is very powerful deep-level self-care and love. It’s...

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