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Deep Level Self Care Series: Decluttering The Mind

Deep Level Self Care Series: Declutter The Mind

So those of you who have worked with me know that I’m a huge fan of decluttering but not in the sense that most would think. 

It’s not just about decluttering the space, but I have to say this is part of it. It goes much much bigger than this though. 

Decluttering is about creating space, this reduces stress and anxiety and creates more flow in your life. Whenever and wherever you reduce clutter, you reduce friction. When you reduce friction you create flow, peace, and space to breathe. 

Decluttering can be magical if you're like me and tend to do too much and get stressed and anxious easily. 

It helps you identify what is important and essential in your life. The things you have to do or have and the things you really want to do and have and ditch the rest. 

Can you feel the space this creates just talking about it? 

That's why it feels so good when you declutter a closet, for me, It can make...

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