Hey there, Soul Aligned Tribe!
Guess what? I've got some sparkly, golden nuggets from the latest episode of the "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast" to share with you! This week, we're diving into a topic that hits home for all of us: dealing with negative people and situations. Trust me, this episode is like a magical shield for your energy and well-being. Ready to sprinkle some positivity? Let’s go!
Here are the key takeaways from our chat:
Hey there, Soul Aligned Tribe!
Guess what? I've got some sparkly, golden nuggets from the latest episode of the "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast" to share with you! This week, we're diving into a topic that hits home for all of us: dealing with negative people and situations. Trust me, this episode is like a magical shield for your energy and well-being. Ready to sprinkle some positivity? Let’s go!
Here are the key takeaways from our chat:
In this second self-care practice from the SASC Bootcamp I will talk more about boundaries. Where you might need them, how to set them, and how to maintain them.
"I always say that boundaries are the foundation of all self-care, without boundaries to protect your energy and time, all the other self-care and self-love work get stripped down a bit."
I want to start by saying I’ve gone through this process myself going from award-winning people pleaser to boundary badass and it doesn’t happen overnight but the rewards were life-changing and life-saving for me.
Some of the benefits:
I could keep going but as you can see, very impressive benefits.
Having the people-pleasing tendency is definitely more common among women mostly because of the societal expectation for us to be the...
When I was a bit younger I was an award-winning people pleaser. All I focused on was how I could make everyone else happy and I rarely focused on myself.
One of the things I noticed disappear during this time period was my connection with myself, my intuition, and my trust in myself.
These are some pretty important things to have in your life so I was pretty unhappy and I was totally burnt out.
It took a major health emergency to wake me up too.
I definitely don’t want this for you or anyone for that matter and that's why I always share what I went through and what I learned.
It took me close to a decade to reprogram myself to know in my soul that when I put myself first everyone benefits, this is a long time. But you have to remember, I spent all of my life being a people pleaser before that. Even as a child. So you know, it takes some time to reprogram.
Why did it take so long? Well, I didn’t even really know that setting boundaries is what I...
I had a thought this morning after and great night's sleep and some morning journaling and meditation that I wanted to start to shift my focus away from the Live With Purpose Series and move into Choosing You.
How to step into YOUR power and start choosing yourself on the daily so you can show up in your life as the best version of yourself.
Today I’ll talk about how you can start doing this every day.
You know I encourage you to take have big goals and dreams but to take small consistent steps and keep moving forward.
Well, this is no different. Choosing to support yourself, your health, your beliefs, and your energy, and protecting that like your life depends on it is the DEEPEST level of self-care.
It’s creating and maintaining those powerful healthy boundaries and treating yourself with the same level of support you give your partner, your kids, and your best friend.
I recently saw a creator on Tik Tok (No, I don’t know her name but obviously, she is awesome,...
Set Boundaries To Create Space In Your Life
Boundaries are one of my favorite things to talk about because I believe they are the foundation of a high level of self-care and self-love. Also, I am an award-winning recovered people pleaser so I constantly have to work on maintaining my boundaries for myself.
First things first, what is a boundary?
A boundary is what you are willing to allow or not allow in your energy space.
I want to start by explaining something really important that a lot of people miss.
We are all different, we have different strengths, weaknesses, likes dislikes, love languages, and different patience levels. So naturally, we will all have different boundaries. That's why it's so important for you to set them and MAINTAIN them. It’s your responsibility to do this for yourself. What you think might be an obvious boundary, might not be to someone else and vice versa.
This is why it's your job to let them know that this is a boundary...
10 Soul Aligned Deep Self-Care Practices
Start living big, with passion, propose, and impact
A lot of times when we talk about self-care we think of getting a massage, a hot bath, and having a nice warm cup of herbal tea.
These are all great self-care things to add to your life but unless you’re doing them consistently, they will only be surface-level self-care.
There is nothing wrong with surface-level self-care. It will raise your vibe and mood which is always beneficial.
However, we want to do things that will create lasting change in order to protect our energy and create the space for the things we love.
Let us go over 10 soul-aligned deep self-care practices that will help you create the space for a life full of passion, purpose, and impact.
1. Learning the 6 types of self-care.
Setting boundaries might sound a bit confrontational or limiting. Actually, it’s what I think is one of the most important forms of self-care/self-love and it is not limiting but actually very expansive and can help you live your life more fully being authentically yourself.
What exactly is a boundary? A boundary is a limit we set around what we consider acceptable and unacceptable behavior. What we will do or not do, accept, and tolerate.
A boundary is very personal, it has nothing to do with another person. It is our own setpoint for what is acceptable in our life and it is our responsibility to set and maintain them and no one else's.
If you feel someone has stepped over one of your boundaries it’s because you let it happen.
It is not someone else's job to uphold and respect our boundaries, it’s our job.
If you set a boundary and don’t hold to it then you will send the message that no one else has to respect it either.
We teach people how to treat us.