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Deep Level Self Care Series: "Turning Setbacks into Success: Reframing Your Story"

Do you always find yourself saying " Why does this always happen to me?"

Then this blog post is for you!

Whenever I talk about what I call re-framing, turning your setbacks into success, I always label it as one of the most transformational lessons of my life.

The reason I say this is because I spent so many years in victim mode. What I would give to get some of that time back.

I was a victim, so it was hard for me to understand why I shouldn’t act like one. It kept me small, it kept me safe. Safe is the keyword. This is why so many of us stay in victim mode instead of taking responsibility for ourselves. 

So what is victim mode? It's when we are a victim of some sort of mistreatment and we make excuses for ourselves to stay there by saying things like. Why does this always happen to me? I have the worst luck. Why do I always get treated this way? 

This is where you can make the shift. Instead of asking why is this happening to me, you start asking,


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