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Deep Level Self Care Series: Becoming The Master Of Your Emotions

Deep Level Self Care Series: Becoming The Master Of Your Emotions (Activity included in post)

This week’s topic is another powerful lesson I learned in my life where without it, nothing would have changed. I would still be in victim mode, still be in a constant state of stress, still battling health issues.

Learning how to experience difficult emotions and move through them without letting them take over my whole life experience was what helped me heal from years of being in a horrible relationship, and be able to control my stress levels and stop my panic attacks. 

One of the most empowering things I learned through this is that every person is different and every person needs to figure out what works for them. 

It’s very similar to eating a healthy diet, every person's body is different and they have different nutritional needs to help them create health. 

What works for me to control stress might not work for others and that goes for anxiety, sadness,...

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