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Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine

Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine to Reduce Stress and Boost Happiness

Starting your morning out on the right foot can really have a profound effect on your entire day and sometimes your whole week. 

Just think about how you feel when something negative happens first thing in the morning. We can all get better at managing how we respond to these things, but we are not perfect. I know I’m not! 

So why not be really intentional about how you start your day so that you have a great experience, every day!

This is what this week’s self care practice is all about, creating a relaxed intentional morning routine to start your day off in a way that serves you all day long.

One of the things to remember when you’re creating this morning practice is to do what feels good to you, what feels relaxed to you. I’ll be making some suggestions, but it should feel good to you and anything that doesn’t feel aligned, just leave...

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Just Breathe

breathwork self care tips Apr 29, 2024

Just Breathe

This past Thursday I had a guest on the podcast, Ben Beaumont, a breathwork facilitator, who re-inspired me about the breath. His episode will be coming soon so keep an eye out for it!

I say re-inspire because I already use breathwork a lot in my life and it all started last January when my body started going through changes. Perimenopause. I experienced an extreme high in my blood pressure which can be pretty common when your hormones go a little wonky. 

What I learned after going to the cardiologist and having every test done under the sun is that I’m very healthy and there is no reason, associated with my heart, that should cause high blood pressure. So, what was it? 

It was that pesky stress & anxiety!

It always comes back to haunt me. When your hormones get a little wonky, when you’re in perimenopause, we do have the tendency to get more stressed and anxious. 

I was lucky enough to have a doc that was willing to help me not take blood...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Raising Your Vibration To Feel Better

Deep Level Self Care Series: Raising Your Vibration To Feel Better

As we come to a close of the deep-level self-care series I'm just sharing with you a few of my favorite topics that I cover inside of the Soul-Aligned Self-Care Bootcamp and this is one of them.

The reason it's a favorite is because it's so easy to do, it's free to do, and it works almost instantaneously. Raising your vibration or I suppose you can also say improving your mood but I think that sounds much less fun.

Raising your vibration or improving your mood is not an all-or-nothing practice.

What I mean by this is, it's not about feeling joyful and perfect all the time.

It's more about tuning into your own needs. getting present at that moment, and then asking yourself what you need.  Also to, give yourself what you need.

I know this sounds like a lot but you can do this multiple times a day for under 15 minutes.

Before I get started I want to share with you a tool that I use. It's called the emotional...

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Monthly Self Care Practices To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Hello all

I'm excited to check back in with all of you sharing with you some of the discoveries I've had with some new self-care practices that I have been testing out on myself.

Last we talked I was doing some breathing practices and also some Qi Gong.

I recently did a podcast with a breathwork facilitator which was pretty interesting if you  would like to listen here's the link:https://www.tinastinson.com/podcasts/soul-aligned-self-care/episodes/2147893490

I feel like the breath work has been extremely valuable to me and I also believe this will be a lifelong daily practice because it's been so effective.  It can instantly lower my blood pressure and make me feel at ease and release any tension that I have in my body.  There are many different breathwork practices that you could try and can easily be searched on YouTube for some free videos.  I like doing box breathing and then just deep breaths in with double the breath out.  This seems to work best for...

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6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self Care Practices

6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices

We all know that self-care is important for our well-being, our health, and our happiness. Yet many of us don't take the time to add these practices into our daily lives.

 In this special guest blog post, 6 coaches and healers, including myself,  share some of our favorite self-care practices that you can start using today. I hope you enjoy!

Let's get started.

 Tina Stinson

One of my favorite most powerful deep-level self-care practices is bringing myself back into the present moment.

When I’m feeling stressed or anxious it's usually coming from a thought or a feeling from the past or a worry about something in the future. 

These are two things that don’t exist and we have complete control over how they affect us.

All I do is, as soon as I’m feeling that stressed anxious feeling, take a few deep breaths to ground myself in my body. I acknowledge how I’m feeling and ask myself...

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