Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box
So, what is your Self Care Tool Box? That’s a pretty legit question because it can mean a lot of things.
A self-care toolbox are solutions you create for yourself that help you work through difficult situations and emotions. It's about learning what helps you feel better and move through those tough emotions and situations and taking note of it in a notebook or journal and then being intentional to use those tools when you need them.
When we take the time to create a space in our journal or if you don’t have a journal, in a notebook where you keep track of what helps you feel better and also helps you move through those tough emotions, you can then respond to your life and not just continuously react.
So, I suppose the next question would be, what are tough emotions?
Well, some of the tough emotions for me would be sadness, stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Everyone is different though and so...
How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps
So, you’re feeling stuck. We all end up here at different times in our lives and sometimes it can be brief but sometimes, it can feel like forever!
Now, there are two ways you might feel. One might be that you are completely discontent, uninspired, in need of a change but you're not sure what. The other is you’re comfortable where you’re at and it feels pretty good, but you feel something new brewing. You don’t know what it is, but you feel it coming and you’re not sure how to move forward to stir up the change needed.
Whatever camp you're in, it can be very frustrating when you just don’t know what to do to move forward. When we are in our comfort zone but at the same time know that a change is needed in order for us to grow and expand, it can feel overwhelming. Anything new can seem so far-fetched or it can seem like an enormous amount of work and both of these situations can make you become frozen in...
Have you ever felt somewhat stuck in your life? Like no matter what you try you can’t seem to move in the direction of where you want to go. Now you might feel awful, but you also might feel very inspired with big dreams and goals, but you're frozen in a state of overwhelm. So, How Do we,
We all feel this way at some point in our lives, as a matter of fact I believe we go through this in cycles when we are experiencing growth or need to experience growth.
So, if you can describe yourself as the first person, just completely stuck and somewhat unhappy, then the first thing I would ask you is what do you want? Almost always the person says to me, I don’t know what I want. Then I would move on to how you want to feel. If life was perfect, what are the feelings you would be experiencing on a daily basis? Start with that.
Most of the time when we are working towards a goal it’s not the actual...
Most of us have this negative reaction when we hear about failure.
It’s viewed as this bad thing that we need to avoid. The dreaded F Word!
What a lot of us don’t realize or ignore is that failure is just a part of the process as your work your way to success.
Most successful people will tell you. In order to succeed or reach a goal or dream you will have to fail forward.
The more we can define this F-word as FEEDBACK instead of FAILURE the faster we can reach our goals.
Think about it. We set a goal, or we have a dream. We then take the next step and that is we decide how we will move forward to reach this goal. (The first step)
We then take the step. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it's a little of both.
What happens next is the most important part of being successful.
Happy New Year!
I love the time and space we have right before the new year. You know from that time after the Christmas holiday is over to the new year. I know, this title sounds too good to be true,
But why not start the year off this way!
If you want to check out the podcast on this topic, head over HERE.
I spend this whole week reflecting on my past year, creating the space I need for the new, and then dreaming, planning, and creating inspiration for the new year.
What comes up always surprises me. Last year I decided on creating consistency in my business. I would say I was very successful in doing this.
Now, I want to redesign and simplify how I show up to make it clear to everyone in my world what kind of work I do. My main focus is inspiring women to step into their power and out of burnout and overwhelm, acknowledge their true selves. I do this with mindset shifts and deep level self care...
Deep Level Self Care Series: Raising Your Vibration To Feel Better
As we come to a close of the deep-level self-care series I'm just sharing with you a few of my favorite topics that I cover inside of the Soul-Aligned Self-Care Bootcamp and this is one of them.
The reason it's a favorite is because it's so easy to do, it's free to do, and it works almost instantaneously. Raising your vibration or I suppose you can also say improving your mood but I think that sounds much less fun.
Raising your vibration or improving your mood is not an all-or-nothing practice.
What I mean by this is, it's not about feeling joyful and perfect all the time.
It's more about tuning into your own needs. getting present at that moment, and then asking yourself what you need. Also to, give yourself what you need.
I know this sounds like a lot but you can do this multiple times a day for under 15 minutes.
Before I get started I want to share with you a tool that I use. It's called the emotional...
Deep Level Self Care Series: Becoming The Master Of Your Emotions (Activity included in post)
This week’s topic is another powerful lesson I learned in my life where without it, nothing would have changed. I would still be in victim mode, still be in a constant state of stress, still battling health issues.
Learning how to experience difficult emotions and move through them without letting them take over my whole life experience was what helped me heal from years of being in a horrible relationship, and be able to control my stress levels and stop my panic attacks.
One of the most empowering things I learned through this is that every person is different and every person needs to figure out what works for them.
It’s very similar to eating a healthy diet, every person's body is different and they have different nutritional needs to help them create health.
What works for me to control stress might not work for others and that goes for anxiety, sadness,...
(Exercise Included in this post) Originally the topic of this post was, Eating Real Food, sounds so silly, right?
I have to tell you though, the next time you go to the grocery store tell me how much “real’ food is there.
The answer is, not a lot
That is if you define real food as something that comes from the earth or a food that has 5 or less ingredients…real ingredients.
For real, the next time you go, pay attention to everything around you. There is not a lot of real whole healthy food.
When someone asks me the way to get healthy and lose weight, I just say, Eat Real Whole Food. I also eat plant-based but I leave that for another post. For now, I want you to just agree to focus on this for your health.
Most people think it can’t be that simple. Well, putting any other serious health issues aside that some people might be struggling with, yes, it is that simple.
It’s just not easy to do. The food industry makes it...
Do you always find yourself saying " Why does this always happen to me?"
Then this blog post is for you!
Whenever I talk about what I call re-framing, turning your setbacks into success, I always label it as one of the most transformational lessons of my life.
The reason I say this is because I spent so many years in victim mode. What I would give to get some of that time back.
I was a victim, so it was hard for me to understand why I shouldn’t act like one. It kept me small, it kept me safe. Safe is the keyword. This is why so many of us stay in victim mode instead of taking responsibility for ourselves.
So what is victim mode? It's when we are a victim of some sort of mistreatment and we make excuses for ourselves to stay there by saying things like. Why does this always happen to me? I have the worst luck. Why do I always get treated this way?
This is where you can make the shift. Instead of asking why is this happening to me, you start asking,
This is the last step in the decluttering practice and if you haven't read the other two you can visit them here:
Deep Level Self Care Series: Decluttering The Mind
Deep Level Self Care Series: Creating Flow In Your Life with Decluttering
Inside the SASC Bootcamp I call this decluttering your processes. It’s about looking at the way you do everything in your life, your standard operating procedures, and finding all the places you find friction and discomfort and then trying to remove, reduce, and improve.
The more we refine these things, the more we remove stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. We reduce our chance of burnout.
As I said at the beginning of this series, there are 11 practices I share in the Bootcamp and when you put all of them together they create a powerhouse of support for you. When you make the decision to support yourself at this level you create a mindset shift for yourself to always have your own back and to put your health and wellness at the...