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Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

I wasn’t going to write about this today because this was also the topic of the Self Care Practice of the week. Truth is, I never really know what I’m going to write about every Monday, it usually just pops up for me at some point. 

 This week, I feel like this topic is so important because of all the over stimulation things we are exposed to on a daily basis. 

We need to always check in with ourselves and see how we feel in that moment and then decide what we would like to experience as far as the energy we need to experience and then curate that in that moment.

As an example, If I’m feeling super stressed and even anxious, it might not be the perfect moment to watch a thriller movie or listen to gangster rap. 

We don’t have control over all the things we are exposed to in our lives that affect our energy, but we do have control of some of them and that's what I would like to talk about...

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Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

self care tips self love Mar 19, 2024

Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

As you might have seen I just added a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast

that will be released every Monday called, Your Weekly Self Care Practice (Listen Here).

Every week I’m going to be giving you a quick and easy self care practice that you can use right away to help improve your week!


Some of the benefits of practicing self-care daily are: 


  • Reduced Stress: Regular self-care activities help to alleviate stress by providing moments of relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to better cope with life's challenges.
  • Improved Physical Health: Self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep contribute to better physical health, boosting immunity and energy levels.
  • Enhanced Mental Well-being: Engaging in self-care activities promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and resilience, leading to improved overall mental health and well-being.
  • Increased...
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Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

So, what is your Self Care Tool Box? That’s a pretty legit question because it can mean a lot of things. 

A self-care toolbox are solutions you create for yourself that help you work through difficult situations and emotions. It's about learning what helps you feel better and move through those tough emotions and situations and taking note of it in a notebook or journal and then being intentional to use those tools when you need them.

When we take the time to create a space in our journal or if you don’t have a journal, in a notebook where you keep track of what helps you feel better and also helps you move through those tough emotions, you can then respond to your life and not just continuously react.

So, I suppose the next question would be, what are tough emotions?

Well, some of the tough emotions for me would be sadness, stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Everyone is different though and so...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Becoming The Master Of Your Emotions

Deep Level Self Care Series: Becoming The Master Of Your Emotions (Activity included in post)

This week’s topic is another powerful lesson I learned in my life where without it, nothing would have changed. I would still be in victim mode, still be in a constant state of stress, still battling health issues.

Learning how to experience difficult emotions and move through them without letting them take over my whole life experience was what helped me heal from years of being in a horrible relationship, and be able to control my stress levels and stop my panic attacks. 

One of the most empowering things I learned through this is that every person is different and every person needs to figure out what works for them. 

It’s very similar to eating a healthy diet, every person's body is different and they have different nutritional needs to help them create health. 

What works for me to control stress might not work for others and that goes for anxiety, sadness,...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Creating Flow In Your Life with Decluttering

Deep Level Self Care Series: Declutter Your Space To Create Flow


Some of you might think that I’m nuts talking about decluttering around the holidays but hear me out. I have a little bit of a different approach than others when it comes to decluttering space. 


First, it’s not just physical space, I’ll explain in a second.


Secondly, I love the saying,  baby steps lead to big changes.


Before I get into this practice, let me explain what you can expect from any type of decluttering. 


When we declutter, we create space and flow in a space. This helps us reduce stress and anxiety and changes the energy of the space to more of a positive which then raises your energy. When we create this space, we also make room for new things in our life. 

So if you’re looking to manifest something into your life think about where you need to create space for that thing or situation. 


I’m going to start with...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Decluttering The Mind

Deep Level Self Care Series: Declutter The Mind

So those of you who have worked with me know that I’m a huge fan of decluttering but not in the sense that most would think. 

It’s not just about decluttering the space, but I have to say this is part of it. It goes much much bigger than this though. 

Decluttering is about creating space, this reduces stress and anxiety and creates more flow in your life. Whenever and wherever you reduce clutter, you reduce friction. When you reduce friction you create flow, peace, and space to breathe. 

Decluttering can be magical if you're like me and tend to do too much and get stressed and anxious easily. 

It helps you identify what is important and essential in your life. The things you have to do or have and the things you really want to do and have and ditch the rest. 

Can you feel the space this creates just talking about it? 

That's why it feels so good when you declutter a closet, for me, It can make...

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Surface & Deep Level Self Care & Why You Need Both

self care tips self love Oct 02, 2023

The Difference Between Surface & Deep Level Self Care & Why You Need Both

When I share what I do with the world I always share that I’m a Deep-Level Self-Care & Mindset Coach. When I say this I know that most people don’t know what I mean by that and think, “Why would I need a Self Care Coach?”.

Today I want to talk about the difference between surface-level self-care and deep-level self-care and why you need both of these infused into your daily life in order to put the best and healthiest version of yourself with the world. 

First, let’s define surface-level self-care. These are things like the bubble bath, getting your nails done, spending some time outside, and lunch with a friend. 

This type of self-care is important but will not have any lasting effect on your life if you're not taking care of yourself on a deeper level.

Deep-level self-care is working on yourself at a deeper level. For example, setting and maintaining...

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