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Deep Level Self Care Series: Being A Boundary Bad*ss

In this second self-care practice from the SASC Bootcamp I will talk more about boundaries. Where you might need them, how to set them, and how to maintain them.

"I always say that boundaries are the foundation of all self-care, without boundaries to protect your energy and time, all the other self-care and self-love work get stripped down a bit."

I want to start by saying I’ve gone through this process myself going from award-winning people pleaser to boundary badass and it doesn’t happen overnight but the rewards were life-changing and life-saving for me. 

Some of the benefits:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Creating space and time for rest.
  • Creating space and time for fun.
  • Deeper more authentic relationships.
  • Expanded creativity.
  • Improved health.
  • Improved sleep.

I could keep going but as you can see, very impressive benefits.

Having the people-pleasing tendency is definitely more common among women mostly because of the societal expectation for us to be the...

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Life On My Terms: Lessons Learned From Having My Dog As My Life Coach

mindset self care self love Aug 28, 2023

I’m a dog person for sure. As in, my dogs are my second set of children. I’ve learned there are a couple of different levels of “dog person”. There's my crazy level. Then there are people who say they’re dog people but have to wash their hands after they touch one (Not from allergies) Now there is no hate coming from me. It’s just me noticing a difference. 

Over the past couple of years, I’ve become closer with my dogs. You know through the pandemic and them being my most favorite companions ever.

There is a lot to say about the love and companionship we get from our pets or if you're like me, your furbabies, and today I want to share a few things I’ve learned just from watching and spending so much time with them.

These things I believe are life-changing, meaning they can change our health and our relationships for the better. How many times have you heard people say, “I like animals more than I like people” There is...

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Life On My Terms: 3 Ways Drift Through The Drama & Stay On Your Life Path

mindset self care self love Aug 21, 2023

This is a fairly new lesson I’m learning with the help of this unpredictable completely crazy world we’re living in right now. Every day we hear terms like, unprecedented, challenging, turbulent, and unmatched, I could go on but I think you catch the drift.

It's been a ride that just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Just when you think something crazier can’t possibly happen, it does. I question nothing now and if someone said there's been a bird zombie outbreak, I’d be like, okay, what else you got, bees that electrocute us, no problem, I got this. 

The truth is though, that I don’t. This is a lot and the weird underline stress of it all wears you down. This is where my new lesson comes in. How do I hear about all this craziness but still stay sane and on the path I want to be on, how do I stay positive through the world drama? How do I keep myself healthy and as happy as possible? Good question right?


Well I have some suggestions, but...

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Life On My Terms: How My Intuition Is Lighting A Fire Under My Ass

Last night I had a night. One of my dogs, Max, was up all night pacing. He was upset about something? I believe it was the incoming thunderstorms. I have 2 dogs, Max & Millie. Both Golden Doodles, both adopted. Max is high maintenance, reckless, and keeps you guessing about everything type of dog and Millie is well trained, sweet, loving, and hyper as a 4yr old that just drank a large red Slurpee from 7-11.

So I did not sleep at all or you could say I was in and out of sleep and I kept having some really crazy dreams. I felt like I fell asleep and woke up a thousand times. Every time I woke up I got a message and it was the same each time. The message was, What you did to get where you are now is not going to get you where you want to go. 

Hmmm, what the heck do I need to do then? 

Well, let’s start with the fact that I’m proud of myself. I am proud because usually when I get a cryptic message from my higher self, my intuition, I don’t pay...

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Life On My Terms Series : What Makes Us Stuck & 3 Mindset Shifts I’m Using To Move Forward Now

There have been many times in my life that I’ve entered that dreaded stuck phase. It usually starts with you not realizing you're stuck, then you start to get frustrated, and me, I get cranky, then I get to the point where I just cry. I sometimes skip past all the phases but most of the time I work through them and it’s because of this one thing. 


The worst thing about fear is that it's the first thing our brain goes towards. I’m pretty sure this is meant to protect us but a lot of the time, we get stuck, frozen in time. We keep going through the motions of our life in the phases I talked about above until we’re so uncomfortable that we have to do something. 

As this is my new series of essays about living life on my terms. I’ve decided that from this point forward I’m going to take drastic steps to keep moving forward. Become more aware when fear gets a hold of me and take a leap forward embracing this fear. 

I actually know...

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Choosing You - Eating Mindfully To Fuel Your Health

I don’t talk a lot about food a lot when I’m talking about deep-level self care but it is an important part of self care and also about choosing yourself.


When we eat healthy, fresh, whole foods, then in turn we feel good, we have energy, and it supports our long-term health.


When we eat processed crap 0% of the time, we don’t usually feel great but also this habit will have long-term effects on your health you might not see until middle age.


To listen to the podcast version of this blog post, head over HERE. 


Let me tell you a little FACT. When you reach middle age, you don’t feel old. I mean I feel the same mentally as I did when I was younger so I kinda want my body to feel good too.


Making some really small shifts in your mindset and lifestyle will help with this. 


Some of you might not know this about me but I started off as a holistic health coach and then I got my certification in culinary nutrition...

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The Get Unstuck Series - 3 Mindset Shifts To Get Your Power Back

3 Mindset Shifts To Get Your Power Back


One of my most important passions is helping a driven woman like you make self-care a daily habit.

The reason this is so important to me is that I don’t want anyone to experience the level of burnout I experienced in my life.

By making daily self-care a norm, you can keep overwhelm and burnout out of your experience and still be driven and successful!

Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<<

I’m going to share with you 3 mindset shifts to make to start thinking about today.


1. When You practice self-care it gives to the power to put your best self into the world.


It is a common belief that self-care is just selfish and it should only be done when you have extra time or maybe after you worked yourself to death.


This is so untrue. 


Think about the person you put forward when you're not rested.


You can be cranky, don’t have a clear mind to make good...

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Self-Care Sunday Live - Why Mindset Matters & Facing Your Fears

In this episode of Self-Care Sunday, we will be talking about why your mindset matters and what this has to do with facing your fears.

Sometimes we just need one small shift.



Xo, T

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8 Ways To Raise Your Vibe Daily

Every single thing in the world has a certain vibration and to put it super simple, some things are high vibe (more on the positive side) and some are low vibe (more on the negative side) and then there are a bunch of different vibrations in between.


So why should we want to vibrate at a high vibration? Because this is when we feel great, we are feeling love and joy and ease in our lives.


Now, I understand, we can’t be super positive all the time. We have ups and downs throughout our lives and when we feel something we need to feel it, experience it, and then process it. 


The key is not to stay there and keep repeating the negative thought or feelings in your head and body. 


If we experience something crappy we need to feel it, process it, and then maybe learn from it or adjust our path and then move forward. 


Just having the mindset that every experience is here to teach us or adjust our path brings you into a higher...

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5 things to leave behind Part 4&5

Today I'll be sharing parts 4 and 5 of the things I want to leave behind as we move into the new year.

Before I get started I wanted to share with you that I have probably 20 things I would like to leave behind and I will leave behind but I feel that would be too long and drawn out.

I encourage you to not have a new year resolution but to just reflect on the last year and have a plan to get closer to your goals and dreams. 

Plan is the keyword here because if you don't really know what you want and you don't have a vision or a plan to get what you want when you figure it out then you most likely won't get there.

So moving on.

The last two things I'm leaving behind are connected to each other. 

One is a hustle mentality, and the other is not making time, a lot of time for my self-care.

You see I figured out that when I take the time to treat myself well, take care of myself, I get things done quicker.

Not just quicker, but also better. I have better creativity and...

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