I went through different moments in my life where I would feel very stuck. Sometimes even feeling stuck for a while and then getting into a grove only to be thrown off my path again by feeling stuck yet AGAIN.
I believe feeling stuck is just a symptom of being out of alignment with yourself. Maybe you’ve grown or changed in some way. This is good, growth and expansion are a part of our human experience.
If you’re feeling stuck right now, then this is just a sign that your life needs a small adjustment, and you need to do just a little bit of detective work to find out how to re-direct yourself.
I used to see this as a bad thing, now, it feels kinda exciting. I know I need some changes, and I get to try new things and see what feels right. What feels like, a hell yes.
Now if you’re the type of person who hates change then just take it slow and make small changes. But remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. If you’re stuck and want to get...
Recentering Yourself to Thrive in Life Long-Term
Many of us, especially women, spend a large portion of our lives centering others. Whether that be a partner, children, or caring for parents. It looks different for all of us.
From a young age many women are taught to be the caretaker from our mothers, as they were taught. We are taught to take care of everyone else first, this is our purpose, this is how we survive. At least that is where this behavior came from.
It wasn't too long ago that women couldn’t have a bank account, couldn’t own a house, without a man. So, as a matter of survival this is what we did and how we were taught your mothers to survive.
Now, things are a changing. Women don’t need a man to survive. As a matter of fact, I think as a whole, women are better at managing life because of the way we were raised.
But the lasting remnants of this are still around and there are many women who still put everyone else first before...
I think it’s so mind-blowing to think about how many decisions we make in a day and how each decision we make leads us down a different path.
It’s crazy how much control we can have over our life experiences when we start to focus on being really intentional with the way we spend our time and taking the time to make the choices that are aligned with our true selves and our true path. When we learn how to respond to life instead of continuously reacting, we can start to take control.
I always think of the Katy Perry song where she talks about your life being like a plastic bag in the wind being tossed around not knowing what life will bring you next.
While this can be true about what comes into our lives, I don’t believe it's true about the outcomes we create with those experiences that come toward us. As I said earlier, we have complete control over how we respond to our life situations, so we then have control over how we want to experience...
Yesterday, Sunday, was a great day. I was thinking about it all day. How I was having fun, I was relaxed, and the day seemed to last forever. This led me to think to myself why did I enjoy my day so much and why not have every day like this one?
I came to the conclusion that I’m at an age where I’m absolutely blissed out if I just do all the things I love and I thought I would share some of them with you today.
I want to grow, prepare, and eat delicious plant-based whole food. This means having my hands in the dirt tending to my garden, watching it grow, pulling weeds, and watching the birds making families around me while I’m out there. I can spend 8 hours doing that and be very content and happy. Making the food. I love cooking and especially love plant-based cooking. Learning how to preserve and use the food from my garden is a new learning experience every year. The eating part. Well, we all love eating, don’t we? I think my goal this year is...
Reframing - Why is this happening for me and not to me?
Did you ever get stuck in one of those cycles where nothing is working out? You think things can’t get worse and then they do, and again, over and over?
We’ve all been there, right?
So what do you do to get out of this horrific cycle? How do you respond and not react to it?
One of the most powerful shifts I’ve made in my life was when I learned to ask myself a question whenever I was in this situation.
It’s so simple but it’s hard to bounce out of the old mindset into the new.
Old mindset: OMG Why is this happening to me?
New Mindset: Okay, deep breath, why is this happening for me? <<Powerful Question, Right Here<<
You see when we are in a rut or we believe things aren’t working out for us it's almost always because we are out of alignment with...
Set Boundaries To Create Space In Your Life
Boundaries are one of my favorite things to talk about because I believe they are the foundation of a high level of self-care and self-love. Also, I am an award-winning recovered people pleaser so I constantly have to work on maintaining my boundaries for myself.
First things first, what is a boundary?
A boundary is what you are willing to allow or not allow in your energy space.
I want to start by explaining something really important that a lot of people miss.
We are all different, we have different strengths, weaknesses, likes dislikes, love languages, and different patience levels. So naturally, we will all have different boundaries. That's why it's so important for you to set them and MAINTAIN them. It’s your responsibility to do this for yourself. What you think might be an obvious boundary, might not be to someone else and vice versa.
This is why it's your job to let them know that this is a boundary...
Sometimes when we’re really stuck. We have been so out of sink with ourselves we don’t even know what we want to do with our life anymore, we don’t know what makes us happy.
This happens when we spend years of our lives taking care of everyone else, having no boundaries, and never putting ourselves first. When we do this we lose that connection with ourselves, we lose the connection to our intuition.
I have two steps I use to help make that reconnection with yourself and start to figure out what makes you happy, what makes you feel like you have a purpose when you wake up each morning.
We get so busy with our family, careers, relationships, and sometimes the care of a parent. We can easily lose track of the things we used to enjoy. It's not just the big things like hobbies and traveling. It's the little things too. A walk in nature, a quiet cup of coffee with a book. We tell ourselves we don't have time.
Before you know it, we...
I’ve recently done two series on my blog that I really loved.
-How To Find Your Life Purpose
-The Get Unstuck Series
While they both kinda help you do the same thing and can have some similarities, they both served a purpose to different people. Some felt really stuck and had a loss of purpose and some were just going through life changes and rediscovering a new purpose.
Both are extremely important and both are things I had to work through in my life.
It's important for me to help others through this process quickly so they can get on living and enjoying life.
I would consider this to be one of the great purposes in my life.
I’ve decided to combine the two series into one and for the month of December will be going over different things you can do to help yourself through this process. I'll be calling it The Live With Purpose Series.
>>Listen to the podcast version HERE<<
Today, I want to share with you 3 simple ways to get you started.
I also want to add if...
What Standards Do You Use As Your Guide?
When you are doing something in your life whether it be your work, the way you eat, work out, your relationships, or the way you have fun, what do you use as a standard guide to what you do and how you do it?
For example, do you feel you have to put in a certain amount of time to earn a certain amount of money? Or, do you believe that you solve a problem or finish a job and you should get paid? A lot of people believe and a lot of corporations believe you should trade time for money but I think this just creates the opportunity for less than desirable outcomes and unhappy people.
I think we should focus on doing the best possible work in the least amount of time by being intentional with the way we do things.
How about working out? Do you ever limit yourself because you might think or society might think, you’re this old and you can’t do that, or you shouldn’t do that?
I hear this all the time about...
Get Unstuck Series - Learning Your Dreams, Passions, & Purpose
In this next episode of the “Get Unstuck Series” I thought it would be good to talk about how to dream big, and find your passions, & purpose.
What does that even mean?
Speaking from experience, when I was feeling beyond stuck. I mean, I was so freaking stuck I couldn’t even begin to know what I wanted.
I had to start reconnecting with myself. Who was I now, who was I before, what do I want, Am I even allowed to dream big?
I mean I actually used to think, why bother? I was so beaten down that I didn’t even know where to start.
So what I did was I went back. I went back to a time before I was beaten down, when I remember being happy, inspired, and excited about everything in life.
I thought to myself, I need to feel this way again.
I have to, and everyone needs to feel this way.
Don’t try to sell me the line, oh Tina grow up, not everything is fun and...
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