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Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First

Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First


Nowadays I try to always put myself first. But sometimes the old me sneaks through. 


You might be familiar with the version. I was a top-notch people pleaser, always there to make everyone happy, and to always make sure to avoid all confrontations. I would change into the type of person I thought the person I was with wanted me to be. I always made sure everyone around me was comfortable and happy. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you or have you been in the past a people pleaser?


This was a survival technique I learned from having to avoid the abusive behavior I experienced for most of my life. I lived like this for over 20 years but even after I removed myself from the situation it was such a habit, being in survival mode, that it took me a few more years to break free. 


What happens to a person who does everything to please others, always takes care of others, and puts herself last?

They lose...

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