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Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine

Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine to Reduce Stress and Boost Happiness

Starting your morning out on the right foot can really have a profound effect on your entire day and sometimes your whole week. 

Just think about how you feel when something negative happens first thing in the morning. We can all get better at managing how we respond to these things, but we are not perfect. I know I’m not! 

So why not be really intentional about how you start your day so that you have a great experience, every day!

This is what this week’s self care practice is all about, creating a relaxed intentional morning routine to start your day off in a way that serves you all day long.

One of the things to remember when you’re creating this morning practice is to do what feels good to you, what feels relaxed to you. I’ll be making some suggestions, but it should feel good to you and anything that doesn’t feel aligned, just leave...

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The Benefits Of Sitting In Stillness, Doing Nothing

I had something come up this week while practicing stillness as a part of my Mind Body & Soul Reset program. 

This was one of the challenges this week for everyone in the program including myself. 

To sit in stillness doing nothing. No phone, reading, social media, music, nothing. 

We started with 5 minutes because I know this can be super challenging for me, a perpetual doer, it must also be hard for others, right?

So I’ve been going outside every day to my sitting spot, I take my shoes off to also make sure I ground. Even in stillness, I’m multitasking. 

I sit there and do nothing. I close my eyes and listen to the birds, the creek running. It’s so relaxing. When my mind wanders to my schedule and what I should be doing I bring it back to focus on the birds and the creek. 

So I had two breakthroughs. First, the 5 minutes went by sooo fast, so I stayed there longer. I was surprised at how crazy fast 5 minutes were. I loved it....

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4 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices (Part 2)

I wanted to start a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care News that shares other coaches' and healers' views of how they use self-care in their lives or with their clients.


I think it’s important to have different points of view from different types of coaches.


My goal is to have coaches and healers who work differently than I do in order for you to have the most beneficial and expansive experience when you spend time in the SASC Community.


This is our second Group Post!


This week we are joined by 3 other amazing coaches, 4including myself. 


I hope you find this helpful to you in your life.


Let’s get into it!


Tina Stinson


When I teach and use self-care practices in my life I always refer to it as Deep-Level Self-Care.

The reason I do this is that for me it's not only about some of the more surface-level practices like a hot bubble bath or getting my nails done with friends. Also very important.


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6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self Care Practices

6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices

We all know that self-care is important for our well-being, our health, and our happiness. Yet many of us don't take the time to add these practices into our daily lives.

 In this special guest blog post, 6 coaches and healers, including myself,  share some of our favorite self-care practices that you can start using today. I hope you enjoy!

Let's get started.

 Tina Stinson

One of my favorite most powerful deep-level self-care practices is bringing myself back into the present moment.

When I’m feeling stressed or anxious it's usually coming from a thought or a feeling from the past or a worry about something in the future. 

These are two things that don’t exist and we have complete control over how they affect us.

All I do is, as soon as I’m feeling that stressed anxious feeling, take a few deep breaths to ground myself in my body. I acknowledge how I’m feeling and ask myself...

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Self-care To Help With Anxiety

Self-care To Help With Anxiety

When all the crap started in 2020 (Too much crap to list for all of us), I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking anxious. And I knew I needed to make some adjustments. My anxiety level was unreasonable and I knew I needed to get it to chill. I started to do some research on how I could do this naturally.

Keep in mind in order to really make changes in the way you feel you have to do the work. If you want to feel different then you have to be different. So commit to doing the work when you get started.

Here are a few changes I made that helped.

I Cut Back On The Caffeine

This was tough for me, I love coffee and it's such a huge part of my routine. The more I read about it, the more I knew it needed to be done!

Caffeine can not only increase anxiety levels but even worse people with anxiety can be more vulnerable to its effects. I now drink mostly decaffeinated which I did gradually over time. If you want to know my system, contact me and I'll share.


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