With so much change happening around us, it’s no wonder many of us feel stressed and anxious. Things are moving and evolving rapidly, and this pace doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Whether it's due to advancements in technology or a deeper connection to spirituality, this fast-paced world might be our new normal. But there’s good news: we can manage it by staying as present as possible.
There’s a saying that has always stuck with me: Depression stems from focusing too much on the past, while anxiety arises from worrying about the future. All we truly have is the present moment, and that’s where our attention should be. If our thoughts, beliefs, and actions create our reality, it makes sense to focus on the here and now with contentment, gratitude, and fulfillment.
But how do we stay present when the world feels like it’s moving at lightning speed? It can be challenging, but it’s absolutely possible. Let me share with you seven...
Embrace Self-Love: A Daily Practice to Transform Your Inner Dialogue
In today’s fast-paced world, many of us have become experts at self-criticism. We constantly tell ourselves we’re not good enough, that we don’t measure up, and that we need to change to be accepted. This relentless self-talk can drain our energy, diminish our confidence, and prevent us from living fully.
But what if we shifted that inner dialogue? What if, instead of beating ourselves up, we took a moment each day to celebrate our achievements, big or small, and truly embrace self-love?
Why Self-Love Matters
Self-love isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a crucial element of personal growth and well-being. When we honor ourselves, we cultivate a mindset that fosters confidence, resilience, and a positive outlook. While striving for improvement is natural, it should never come at the cost of our self-worth.
The journey toward self-love begins with small, intentional practices. We all know...
I had something come up this week while practicing stillness as a part of my Mind Body & Soul Reset program.
This was one of the challenges this week for everyone in the program including myself.
To sit in stillness doing nothing. No phone, reading, social media, music, nothing.
We started with 5 minutes because I know this can be super challenging for me, a perpetual doer, it must also be hard for others, right?
So I’ve been going outside every day to my sitting spot, I take my shoes off to also make sure I ground. Even in stillness, I’m multitasking.
I sit there and do nothing. I close my eyes and listen to the birds, the creek running. It’s so relaxing. When my mind wanders to my schedule and what I should be doing I bring it back to focus on the birds and the creek.
So I had two breakthroughs. First, the 5 minutes went by sooo fast, so I stayed there longer. I was surprised at how crazy fast 5 minutes were. I loved it....
Very recently I had a day. I was just feeling so blah and I was kinda mad because I had a lot of stuff I wanted to do.
But I know when I’m feeling this way It’s not the right time for me to write or do a live. So I’m basically not getting any work done.
So then my feelings move into not just blah but also a little bit stressed because I know I’m not getting anything done.
Have you been here? You need to get stuff done but your feeling kinda sad and then you're stressed because you're not getting anything done. LOL. A vicious circle.
This is when I know it’s time to treat myself to some self-care.
Listen to the podcast version of this blog >>HERE<<
Here are a few ways I treat myself. When I take the time and give myself the space I can bounce back in just a few hours. Sometimes I just need a day though.
Setting boundaries might sound a bit confrontational or limiting. Actually, it’s what I think is one of the most important forms of self-care/self-love and it is not limiting but actually very expansive and can help you live your life more fully being authentically yourself.
What exactly is a boundary? A boundary is a limit we set around what we consider acceptable and unacceptable behavior. What we will do or not do, accept, and tolerate.
A boundary is very personal, it has nothing to do with another person. It is our own setpoint for what is acceptable in our life and it is our responsibility to set and maintain them and no one else's.
If you feel someone has stepped over one of your boundaries it’s because you let it happen.
It is not someone else's job to uphold and respect our boundaries, it’s our job.
If you set a boundary and don’t hold to it then you will send the message that no one else has to respect it either.
We teach people how to treat us.
Try This Stress-Relief Method for Quick Results
Whenever I come across a stressful situation I use this method for instant relief. It's called the 478 Method by Dr. Andrew Weil.
It's very easy. You just take a deep breath in expanding your chest as much as you can in 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. Do this a few times and you will feel calmer.
Just like any exercise, this will take some practice to master it but this will be a valuable tool for you to calm that stress quickly. And an added bonus, you can do this anywhere!
Learn more about Dr. Weil's Method and why it works HERE.
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Want to hang out with a bunch of like-minded people and learn more about plant-based cooking, self-care, and stress relief? Come join the free group on Facebook, Healthy Balanced Plant-Based Living HERE.
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