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Life On My Terms: How Life Has A Way Of Mixing Things Up To Set You Straight

I have to say, the last 3-4 years of my life have been interesting, to say the least, and if you would have told me that I was going to go down the path that I went down there is no way I would have believed you. 

I retired from a career, started a business, lost a business, and started another business. My friend group has completely changed and is a whole lot smaller and more intimate. 

My relationships with my kids are even more amazing than they were and keep getting better.

I’m happily single and really enjoy being by myself. I never thought I would say that. 

Some of my blood family members have been completely removed from my life, ..for the better. It's been a crazy ride to put it lightly. 

I have to acknowledge though It has been really hard, devastating. Blindsided is also a good word. 

I also somehow know to my core that it's all the right path. 

While it's happening though, it just sucks. You can’t help but think, why is this...

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I’m giving up my final fuck to give, are you ready to do the same?

This is what goes through my head when I come on any platform to share my message, my work, and what I’ve learned that I know will help women. 

I feel like if I speak from my soul and my truth that it will be too much. It’s a bit too edgy. That you might think I’m too much or maybe going a little too far. 

I feel it might trigger some women because what I believe is so far from society's norm. But as I said in my last blog and I’ll say it again. When did society's norm ever support women? Support women in a way where they can step into their power and be fully themselves without being judged on every level. It just doesn’t. 

This is what holds me back in my business. Holds me back from speaking about what I know to be true.

I know or believe some people, men & women, might think it's too extreme. I believe the opposite. That when women mute themselves to make others comfortable or to reduce friction and confrontation. Thats fucking...

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Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First

Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First


Nowadays I try to always put myself first. But sometimes the old me sneaks through. 


You might be familiar with the version. I was a top-notch people pleaser, always there to make everyone happy, and to always make sure to avoid all confrontations. I would change into the type of person I thought the person I was with wanted me to be. I always made sure everyone around me was comfortable and happy. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you or have you been in the past a people pleaser?


This was a survival technique I learned from having to avoid the abusive behavior I experienced for most of my life. I lived like this for over 20 years but even after I removed myself from the situation it was such a habit, being in survival mode, that it took me a few more years to break free. 


What happens to a person who does everything to please others, always takes care of others, and puts herself last?

They lose...

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