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At My Age, I'm Happy To Just Be Doing These Things!


Yesterday, Sunday, was a great day. I was thinking about it all day. How I was having fun, I was relaxed, and the day seemed to last forever. This led me to think to myself why did I enjoy my day so much and why not have every day like this one?

I came to the conclusion that I’m at an age where I’m absolutely blissed out if I just do all the things I love and I thought I would share some of them with you today. 

I want to grow, prepare, and eat delicious plant-based whole food. This means having my hands in the dirt tending to my garden, watching it grow, pulling weeds, and watching the birds making families around me while I’m out there. I can spend 8 hours doing that and be very content and happy. Making the food. I love cooking and especially love plant-based cooking. Learning how to preserve and use the food from my garden is a new learning experience every year. The eating part. Well, we all love eating, don’t we? I think my goal this year is...

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Self-Care Sunday Live - Acknowledge Your Starting Point

In this episode of Self-Care Sunday, we will be talking about acknowledging your starting point and making your core value statements.

Just like when you use a GPS, you need a starting point and a destination.

This is your starting point.



Xo, T

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