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Using Your Intuition to Get Unstuck

Using Intuition To Get Unstuck

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One of the very clear lessons I’ve learned on my path to getting unstuck and finding my purpose is how important my intuition is, my gut instinct, my inner guidance, my higher self. Whatever you want to call it. This connection with ourselves, our heart and soul to the brain is so important and I would say necessary in order to really be aligned. 

The reason I felt completely disconnected with myself for so long was because I was living in a state of fight, flight, freeze, survival, stress and anxiety, my whole life. When you're in this state, your brain is only focused on basic survival, keeping you safe, and using as little energy as possible. 

Some of the things that are important are keeping you alive even if the situation is not beneficial or supportive to your growth and happiness. So, thriving and living your life fully is not at the top of the list, survival and energy conservation is. 


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Life On My Terms: How My Intuition Is Lighting A Fire Under My Ass

Last night I had a night. One of my dogs, Max, was up all night pacing. He was upset about something? I believe it was the incoming thunderstorms. I have 2 dogs, Max & Millie. Both Golden Doodles, both adopted. Max is high maintenance, reckless, and keeps you guessing about everything type of dog and Millie is well trained, sweet, loving, and hyper as a 4yr old that just drank a large red Slurpee from 7-11.

So I did not sleep at all or you could say I was in and out of sleep and I kept having some really crazy dreams. I felt like I fell asleep and woke up a thousand times. Every time I woke up I got a message and it was the same each time. The message was, What you did to get where you are now is not going to get you where you want to go. 

Hmmm, what the heck do I need to do then? 

Well, let’s start with the fact that I’m proud of myself. I am proud because usually when I get a cryptic message from my higher self, my intuition, I don’t pay...

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