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Mindful Eating as A Part Of your Self Care: 4 Steps to Get Started

Mindful Eating as a part of your Self Care

As a certified holistic health and life coach and culinary nutrition educator. Today, I’m excited to share a guide on mindful eating that will help you with weight loss and digestion through easy-to-implement tips. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Portion Sizes and Eating Slowly

One significant change in the US over the past 50 years is our serving sizes. They have steadily increased to double what they used to be, sometimes even more. When we eat out, we usually have enough for two meals, and many of us eat these meals in one sitting. Even our plate sizes have increased, so when we eat at home, we sometimes fill our plates just because they are larger. I’ve noticed that my grandmother's china has what look like miniature plates compared to today's standards.

Additionally, we tend to eat very quickly due to our busy lives. Even when we have the time, the habit of rushing persists, leading us to take big bites and not...

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