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4 Ways To Treat Yourself When Your Feeling Stressed

4 Ways To Treat Yourself When Your Feeling Stressed

Very recently I had a day. I was just feeling so blah and I was kinda mad because I had a lot of stuff I wanted to do. 

But I know when I’m feeling this way It’s not the right time for me to write or do a live. So I’m basically not getting any work done.

So then my feelings move into not just blah but also a little bit stressed because I know I’m not getting anything done.

Have you been here? You need to get stuff done but your feeling kinda sad and then you're stressed because you're not getting anything done. LOL. A vicious circle.

This is when I know it’s time to treat myself to some self-care. 

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Here are a few ways I treat myself. When I take the time and give myself the space I can bounce back in just a few hours. Sometimes I just need a day though.

  • Just let myself feel the way I do and have compassion and acceptance. We...
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How To Stop Judging Yourself

Something I come across quite often when working with people and with myself is how can we all just stop being so hard on ourselves. How can we stop judging ourselves?

Well, the first step is to just be aware.

While this may sound simple, it’s not an easy thing to do.

However, once you start to really notice it will become a habit.


A lot of us just let these negative judgments and thoughts fly through our subconscious without a care. But I want you to stop and think about if someone was saying what you say to yourself to one of your children, a good friend, or a significant other, would it be okay?


I think we all know the answer to that question, heck no!


So the new normal you need to create is that it's not okay to talk to yourself this way either.


Why should you care, why is this important?


Well many really good reasons. 


Our words have power. The things we say and feel are what create our reality.


So if you want to...

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5 things to leave behind Part 4&5

Today I'll be sharing parts 4 and 5 of the things I want to leave behind as we move into the new year.

Before I get started I wanted to share with you that I have probably 20 things I would like to leave behind and I will leave behind but I feel that would be too long and drawn out.

I encourage you to not have a new year resolution but to just reflect on the last year and have a plan to get closer to your goals and dreams. 

Plan is the keyword here because if you don't really know what you want and you don't have a vision or a plan to get what you want when you figure it out then you most likely won't get there.

So moving on.

The last two things I'm leaving behind are connected to each other. 

One is a hustle mentality, and the other is not making time, a lot of time for my self-care.

You see I figured out that when I take the time to treat myself well, take care of myself, I get things done quicker.

Not just quicker, but also better. I have better creativity and...

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