This is what goes through my head when I come on any platform to share my message, my work, and what I’ve learned that I know will help women.
I feel like if I speak from my soul and my truth that it will be too much. It’s a bit too edgy. That you might think I’m too much or maybe going a little too far.
I feel it might trigger some women because what I believe is so far from society's norm. But as I said in my last blog and I’ll say it again. When did society's norm ever support women? Support women in a way where they can step into their power and be fully themselves without being judged on every level. It just doesn’t.
This is what holds me back in my business. Holds me back from speaking about what I know to be true.
I know or believe some people, men & women, might think it's too extreme. I believe the opposite. That when women mute themselves to make others comfortable or to reduce friction and confrontation. Thats fucking...
Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First
Nowadays I try to always put myself first. But sometimes the old me sneaks through.
You might be familiar with the version. I was a top-notch people pleaser, always there to make everyone happy, and to always make sure to avoid all confrontations. I would change into the type of person I thought the person I was with wanted me to be. I always made sure everyone around me was comfortable and happy. Does this sound familiar to you? Are you or have you been in the past a people pleaser?
This was a survival technique I learned from having to avoid the abusive behavior I experienced for most of my life. I lived like this for over 20 years but even after I removed myself from the situation it was such a habit, being in survival mode, that it took me a few more years to break free.
What happens to a person who does everything to please others, always takes care of others, and puts herself last?
They lose...
Reframing - Why is this happening for me and not to me?
Did you ever get stuck in one of those cycles where nothing is working out? You think things can’t get worse and then they do, and again, over and over?
We’ve all been there, right?
So what do you do to get out of this horrific cycle? How do you respond and not react to it?
One of the most powerful shifts I’ve made in my life was when I learned to ask myself a question whenever I was in this situation.
It’s so simple but it’s hard to bounce out of the old mindset into the new.
Old mindset: OMG Why is this happening to me?
New Mindset: Okay, deep breath, why is this happening for me? <<Powerful Question, Right Here<<
You see when we are in a rut or we believe things aren’t working out for us it's almost always because we are out of alignment with...
This Is A Letter To All The Powerful Ladies Out There Ready To Make A Difference In The World, this is a letter to you,
To all the ladies out there who know they are powerful and meant for more. They want to live fully into ‘their” authentic dream life.
Deep down inside they know they are meant to do great things in their life, they can feel it in their bones. There is a part of them that over time has been pressed down, muted, and put on hold. You feel STUCK, like you're on pause, but you can feel something brewing, you can feel it in your soul. You yearn to live more, to live fully, to put yourself out there to experience and create great things in the world.
I help bring that part of you out again, I help you re-introduce yourself to the world, I help you find your passion and purpose, and that playfulness you know you have inside of you.
That part of you never went away. It's just been buried deep by all of the bullshit...
To all the ladies who feel stuck,
In my last post, I talked about the first step to take to get unstuck and I shared you need to know what you want and you need to think big.
This is the best way to start because you can't get to where you want to be unless you kinda know where you're going, right?
Another point I want to talk about is that change will not happen unless you reach that point, The Breaking Point, because we won't really be motivated to change unless we are so uncomfortable that it's more uncomfortable than the fear of making the changes.
Our brains are built to keep us alive, not happy. So it's pretty uncomfortable for us as human beings to make these changes.
So how do you know you're at that point? Well just like I said above. It's more uncomfortable to stay where you are.
Some of the things I hear from women and have felt myself at one point are:
Want To Get Unstuck In Life? This Is The First Step
I know this sounds like a big promise to someone that has been stuck for a long time or someone who might have been trying to get unstuck for a while. However, I’ve noticed a lot of stuck people including myself forget this one first step that I think is the most important.
What do you want? What do you want to experience in your life?
You might say, “I don’t know, that’s why I’m stuck”
Well of course I’m going to show you how to figure this out but before I start I want to talk about why it’s important to know this first.
You know how when you go on an important road trip and you're starting from one place and you want to get to another? Say you’re driving from NY and you're headed to LA. You have a starting point and then a destination.
Well, in order to get somewhere in our life we need the same thing. We don’t need...
When we eliminate unnecessary obstacles and simplify our surroundings, we can experience more ease and harmony in our daily lives. Whether it's decluttering your space, streamlining your schedule, or simplifying your relationships, take small steps to create more flow and enjoy the benefits of a more peaceful and fulfilling life. “
Today I want to talk with you about all those little and sometimes big things that clog us our energy space and create more stress and anxiety.
As a person who can vert easily become stressed or also be drawn into a state of anxiety, these “little things” actually have some pretty big effects on our lives. Let me share some with you that can have this effect on your life.
One is our space, For a moment look around you and do a quick audit of your space. Ask Yourself, is it cluttered? Is it filled with the things I love and bring me...
We all know that we need to allow ourselves to rest in order to put our best version of ourselves into the world but very few of us actually do this.
This is just one of the pressures we put on ourselves, to do, do, do, and then do more.
We also don’t allow ourselves any time to feel the negative feelings that are just a part of life.
You see there is this pressure to always be positive, to raise our vibration, to be a bright ray of sunshine in order to attract this same energy into our lives.
The truth is, it’s not just okay for you to be not okay, but it’s also necessary to be not okay in order for us to process these feelings.
If we mask these feelings, if we push them down and try to hold them there. They will resurface, they are still there, and you can’t positive mantra the shit out of them.
There is a saying that Wayne Dyer said and I’m sure I’ll screw it up a bit, but here...
If you've been with me in the Soul Aligned Self Care world then you know that I'm very passionate about nutrition and using that to support and heal my body. If you're new here then I would like to share with you this passion.
It started in 2007 when I had a stroke and started eating a vegan diet and then in 2015 I became certified as a health coach and continued on to become certified as a culinary nutrition expert and educator and life coach. I've managed to put all these things together into one package to help my clients put the best version of themselves into the world while feeling incredible. I believe being mindful about what you put into your body to fuel your body is epically important.
The one time that this was very noticeable almost instantaneously was when I was training for a triathlon. During that time period, I also went vegan and so I knew how I felt before I was vegan and after. The difference was very noticeable. I...
Hello all
I'm excited to check back in with all of you sharing with you some of the discoveries I've had with some new self-care practices that I have been testing out on myself.
Last we talked I was doing some breathing practices and also some Qi Gong.
I recently did a podcast with a breathwork facilitator which was pretty interesting if you would like to listen here's the link:
I feel like the breath work has been extremely valuable to me and I also believe this will be a lifelong daily practice because it's been so effective. It can instantly lower my blood pressure and make me feel at ease and release any tension that I have in my body. There are many different breathwork practices that you could try and can easily be searched on YouTube for some free videos. I like doing box breathing and then just deep breaths in with double the breath out. This seems to work best for...