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Why Self-Care Is NOT Selfish

Why Self-Care Is NOT Selfish


One of the things that I see day after day in my life and business is professional, driven women who feel guilty giving themselves any self-care at all even at substandard levels.

I believe this stems from the way the majority of us are raised from birth to always care for and make someone else happy before ourselves. We are expected to take the role of caregiver even if we work full-time, and or have a business. Not to mention, we are sometimes expected to take the brunt of the household chores as well. 

This my friend is a heavy load to take on and is NOT sustainable without repercussions on our health. 

The big part of the problem is convincing these amazing, smart, capable, and powerful women that they need to practice self-care daily and it is NOT selfish. 

They need to go against society's unreasonable and might I say bullshit expectations of us to do everything, be everything, and look good doing it. 

They need to...

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4 Ways To Treat Yourself When Your Feeling Stressed

4 Ways To Treat Yourself When Your Feeling Stressed

Very recently I had a day. I was just feeling so blah and I was kinda mad because I had a lot of stuff I wanted to do. 

But I know when I’m feeling this way It’s not the right time for me to write or do a live. So I’m basically not getting any work done.

So then my feelings move into not just blah but also a little bit stressed because I know I’m not getting anything done.

Have you been here? You need to get stuff done but your feeling kinda sad and then you're stressed because you're not getting anything done. LOL. A vicious circle.

This is when I know it’s time to treat myself to some self-care. 

Listen to the podcast version of this blog >>HERE<<

Here are a few ways I treat myself. When I take the time and give myself the space I can bounce back in just a few hours. Sometimes I just need a day though.

  • Just let myself feel the way I do and have compassion and acceptance. We...
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How Can I do More In Less Time (Without The Overwhelm)

How Can I do More In Less Time(Without The Overwhelm)


It’s what a lot of people want, I know I do.

I’m always looking for ways to be more intentional about my time because I know it’s my most precious resource. 

I don’t want to waste time on things I don’t really love doing. I want to do the things I love, the things that make me feel like I’m in flow.

Today I’m going to share with you some of the things that have worked for me and my clients when it comes to what I call “Time Expansion”, creating more time and space for the things you love and getting more done in less time!

 Want to listen to the podcast version of this blog? Head Over >>HERE<< 

Know what’s important - You can’t really be intentional with your time unless you know what’s important to you. We spend a lot of time in autopilot, going through the motions. We sometimes aren’t even paying attention to the...

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4 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices (Part 2)

I wanted to start a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care News that shares other coaches' and healers' views of how they use self-care in their lives or with their clients.


I think it’s important to have different points of view from different types of coaches.


My goal is to have coaches and healers who work differently than I do in order for you to have the most beneficial and expansive experience when you spend time in the SASC Community.


This is our second Group Post!


This week we are joined by 3 other amazing coaches, 4including myself. 


I hope you find this helpful to you in your life.


Let’s get into it!


Tina Stinson


When I teach and use self-care practices in my life I always refer to it as Deep-Level Self-Care.

The reason I do this is that for me it's not only about some of the more surface-level practices like a hot bubble bath or getting my nails done with friends. Also very important.


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The Get Unstuck Series - How To Live In The Present Moment

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately and I’m always struggling to do this myself so I thought it would be a great topic to talk about today.

Why is it so hard to keep yourself in the present moment?

If you're living in the past you're reliving old things that happened and this can show up as depression. When you're living in the future you're worrying and anxious about what’s to be, and this can show up as anxiety. You worry about something that hasn't happened yet. This is where I spend a lot of my time.

Being in the present moment is the only place where you can have peace and feel happy. 

This is where your happy spot is. 

You have complete control of how you want to respond to your present moment. You get to decide to just be happy. 

The past is done and doesn’t exist anymore. Leave it there. 

Your future has yet to be determined. 

You can have a powerful effect on your future by how you decide to feel and be in your...

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The Get Unstuck Series - 3 Mindset Shifts To Get Your Power Back

3 Mindset Shifts To Get Your Power Back


One of my most important passions is helping a driven woman like you make self-care a daily habit.

The reason this is so important to me is that I don’t want anyone to experience the level of burnout I experienced in my life.

By making daily self-care a norm, you can keep overwhelm and burnout out of your experience and still be driven and successful!

Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<<

I’m going to share with you 3 mindset shifts to make to start thinking about today.


1. When You practice self-care it gives to the power to put your best self into the world.


It is a common belief that self-care is just selfish and it should only be done when you have extra time or maybe after you worked yourself to death.


This is so untrue. 


Think about the person you put forward when you're not rested.


You can be cranky, don’t have a clear mind to make good...

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Get Unstuck Series - Finding Your “WHY” And Why It’s Important

Get Unstuck Series - Finding Your “WHY” And Why It’s Important

Continuing on with the Get Unstuck Series I want to add to the creation of your big dreams and goals.

You see I believe that you can have greater success and also faster success by really digging deep and learning what your “WHY” is.

 Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<< 

So what is your “WHY”?


Your “WHY” is the reason this big goal or dream is important to you. 

When you set a big dream or goal that might seem hard, heck, it might seem impossible, you need to know why it’s important to you in order to stay in it for the long haul.

You see, sometimes you need to take many small steps to reach a big goal and it can get hard sometimes, challenging, and you may even have some setbacks.

You can sometimes get to a point where you feel defeated, almost like you’ll never get there.


This is where your...

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6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self Care Practices

6 Coaches & Healers Share Their Top Self-Care Practices

We all know that self-care is important for our well-being, our health, and our happiness. Yet many of us don't take the time to add these practices into our daily lives.

 In this special guest blog post, 6 coaches and healers, including myself,  share some of our favorite self-care practices that you can start using today. I hope you enjoy!

Let's get started.

 Tina Stinson

One of my favorite most powerful deep-level self-care practices is bringing myself back into the present moment.

When I’m feeling stressed or anxious it's usually coming from a thought or a feeling from the past or a worry about something in the future. 

These are two things that don’t exist and we have complete control over how they affect us.

All I do is, as soon as I’m feeling that stressed anxious feeling, take a few deep breaths to ground myself in my body. I acknowledge how I’m feeling and ask myself...

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Today's Thought - What Are Your Limitations?

What Do You Think Your Limitations Are?

 So as you begin to dream bigger and set big goals what does the voice say in your head?

 What do you think might be blocking you, stopping you from having everything you dream of?

 At the moment you write down that big dream, what pops up in your head? Pay attention because a lot of the time, we are so used to this negative voice in our head, we don’t even notice it.

 When working with people and when I’m working on my dreams we will often think, I have a block. 

 What is my block? Why can’t I figure it out? Why can’t I get there?

 Well over time I learned it's hiding right there in your head, you just have to pay attention.

 So the next time you're working on something or writing out your goals and desires in the morning, stop for a moment and listen.

 What is that voice saying? Some people call it the ego, and some have a name for it. Negative Nancy, Debbie Downer, Party...

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Todays Thought - What Standards Do You Use As Your Guide?

What Standards Do You Use As Your Guide?

When you are doing something in your life whether it be your work, the way you eat, work out, your relationships, or the way you have fun, what do you use as a standard guide to what you do and how you do it?

For example, do you feel you have to put in a certain amount of time to earn a certain amount of money? Or, do you believe that you solve a problem or finish a job and you should get paid? A lot of people believe and a lot of corporations believe you should trade time for money but I think this just creates the opportunity for less than desirable outcomes and unhappy people. 

I think we should focus on doing the best possible work in the least amount of time by being intentional with the way we do things. 

How about working out? Do you ever limit yourself because you might think or society might think, you’re this old and you can’t do that, or you shouldn’t do that? 

I hear this all the time about...

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