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Life On My Terms: Finding Your Soul Family

I believe this will be the last of the Life On My Terms Series as I feel a shift moving into something else. Maybe it's the change of seasons, but I definitely feel a shift.

This topic, Finding Your Soul Aligned Friends & Family, is something that is very close to my heart. I’ve had to do this many times over for different reasons. 

There are some people who will always be in my life and then there are some who have come and gone. Either way, there will always be times throughout your life when there is a need to expand your soul posse.

The first time I had to do this was when I came out of a very verbally abusive relationship where I lost the connection and trust in myself. When this happens, it’s hard to stay close to your soul family. Then, I also had to do this the many many times I moved in my life. 

As we get older, I think this gets difficult because of a few reasons. Sometimes we just know who we are and are very picky about who we let into our...

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