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Clearing What’s Holding Us Back


Clearing What’s Holding Us Back (Listen to This On the Podcast Here)

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of deciding the direction we want our lives to go. A couple of weeks ago, I talked about writing down our goals in all areas of life—whether it’s health, relationships, career, finances, or spirituality. The process of actually sitting down and getting clear about what you want is so crucial. After all, how can we reach our destination if we don’t even know where we want to go?

Today, I want to build on that idea by exploring the importance of clearing away what’s holding us back. With the full moon’s energy—a time known for releasing and letting go—it’s a perfect opportunity to get rid of anything that no longer serves us and make space for the new version of ourselves.

Why It’s Important to Clear What’s Holding You Back

In order to let go of what’s not serving us, we...

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Life On My Terms: How Life Has A Way Of Mixing Things Up To Set You Straight

I have to say, the last 3-4 years of my life have been interesting, to say the least, and if you would have told me that I was going to go down the path that I went down there is no way I would have believed you. 

I retired from a career, started a business, lost a business, and started another business. My friend group has completely changed and is a whole lot smaller and more intimate. 

My relationships with my kids are even more amazing than they were and keep getting better.

I’m happily single and really enjoy being by myself. I never thought I would say that. 

Some of my blood family members have been completely removed from my life, ..for the better. It's been a crazy ride to put it lightly. 

I have to acknowledge though It has been really hard, devastating. Blindsided is also a good word. 

I also somehow know to my core that it's all the right path. 

While it's happening though, it just sucks. You can’t help but think, why is this...

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