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Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

I wasn’t going to write about this today because this was also the topic of the Self Care Practice of the week. Truth is, I never really know what I’m going to write about every Monday, it usually just pops up for me at some point. 

 This week, I feel like this topic is so important because of all the over stimulation things we are exposed to on a daily basis. 

We need to always check in with ourselves and see how we feel in that moment and then decide what we would like to experience as far as the energy we need to experience and then curate that in that moment.

As an example, If I’m feeling super stressed and even anxious, it might not be the perfect moment to watch a thriller movie or listen to gangster rap. 

We don’t have control over all the things we are exposed to in our lives that affect our energy, but we do have control of some of them and that's what I would like to talk about...

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Let Your Freak Flag Fly: Embracing Your Quirks as Superpowers

Let Your Freak Flag Fly: Embracing Your Quirks as Superpowers

As I start to write this, I wonder how many of you know that the title, Let Your Freak Flag Fly, is a song from the Movie Shrek.

If you knew then you’re my type of person. If you didn’t, you’re still my type of person. 

This is something a lot of people don’t know about me that might be weird. The music I listen to. If you looked at all the songs inside of my Apple account, you might think it belongs to 10 different people. That's because it kind of started that way. I used to share this account with all three of my kids when they were kids, so the music is a cornucopia of every genre known to mankind.

From gangster rap to what I call screamer music, to musical theater. I have it all and I love it. The level that the music my kids listened to influenced me is huge and vice versa. I love all types of music and it all relates to different feelings and time periods in my life. I love this about...

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Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

self care tips self love Mar 19, 2024

Following Joy: How To Add Self Care into Your Daily Life w/ Ease

As you might have seen I just added a new series on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast

that will be released every Monday called, Your Weekly Self Care Practice (Listen Here).

Every week I’m going to be giving you a quick and easy self care practice that you can use right away to help improve your week!


Some of the benefits of practicing self-care daily are: 


  • Reduced Stress: Regular self-care activities help to alleviate stress by providing moments of relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to better cope with life's challenges.
  • Improved Physical Health: Self-care practices such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep contribute to better physical health, boosting immunity and energy levels.
  • Enhanced Mental Well-being: Engaging in self-care activities promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and resilience, leading to improved overall mental health and well-being.
  • Increased...
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Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

So, what is your Self Care Tool Box? That’s a pretty legit question because it can mean a lot of things. 

A self-care toolbox are solutions you create for yourself that help you work through difficult situations and emotions. It's about learning what helps you feel better and move through those tough emotions and situations and taking note of it in a notebook or journal and then being intentional to use those tools when you need them.

When we take the time to create a space in our journal or if you don’t have a journal, in a notebook where you keep track of what helps you feel better and also helps you move through those tough emotions, you can then respond to your life and not just continuously react.

So, I suppose the next question would be, what are tough emotions?

Well, some of the tough emotions for me would be sadness, stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Everyone is different though and so...

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Redefining Failure as Feedback for Success: Why failing is important

Most of us have this negative reaction when we hear about failure. 

It’s viewed as this bad thing that we need to avoid. The dreaded F Word!

What a lot of us don’t realize or ignore is that failure is just a part of the process as your work your way to success. 

Most successful people will tell you. In order to succeed or reach a goal or dream you will have to fail forward. 

The more we can define this F-word as FEEDBACK instead of FAILURE the faster we can reach our goals. 

Think about it. We set a goal, or we have a dream. We then take the next step and that is we decide how we will move forward to reach this goal. (The first step) 

We then take the step. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it's a little of both. 

What happens next is the most important part of being successful. 

  • Do you say to yourself, well that didn’t work, guess I’m not cut out for this and then go back to whatever...
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Deep Level Self Care Series: Eating For Energy

(Exercise Included in this post) Originally the topic of this post was, Eating Real Food, sounds so silly, right?

I have to tell you though, the next time you go to the grocery store tell me how much “real’ food is there. 

The answer is, not a lot

That is if you define real food as something that comes from the earth or a food that has 5 or less ingredients…real ingredients. 

For real, the next time you go, pay attention to everything around you. There is not a lot of real whole healthy food. 

When someone asks me the way to get healthy and lose weight, I just say, Eat Real Whole Food. I also eat plant-based but I leave that for another post. For now, I want you to just agree to focus on this for your health. 

Most people think it can’t be that simple. Well, putting any other serious health issues aside that some people might be struggling with, yes, it is that simple. 

It’s just not easy to do. The food industry makes it...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Go From Chaos To Calm w/ Decluttering Practices

This is the last step in the decluttering practice and if you haven't read the other two you can visit them here:

Deep Level Self Care Series: Decluttering The Mind

Deep Level Self Care Series: Creating Flow In Your Life with Decluttering

Inside the SASC Bootcamp I call this decluttering your processes. It’s about looking at the way you do everything in your life, your standard operating procedures, and finding all the places you find friction and discomfort and then trying to remove, reduce, and improve. 

The more we refine these things, the more we remove stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. We reduce our chance of burnout. 

As I said at the beginning of this series, there are 11 practices I share in the Bootcamp and when you put all of them together they create a powerhouse of support for you. When you make the decision to support yourself at this level you create a mindset shift for yourself to always have your own back and to put your health and wellness at the...

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Deep Level Self Care Series: Your Starting Point

Last week I talked about how After I had a stroke at 39 from stress I had to learn how to care for myself at a deep level in order to survive. What I didn’t talk about is the 11 Deep-Level Self Care practices I used to get there but I’m not just surviving, I’m thriving! 

My biggest lesson and message I share is that when you learn that deep-level self-care is NOT selfish, putting yourself first is NOT selfish. It serves everyone. 

That statement might trigger a few people. I know it would have me triggered years ago because I based my worth on how I cared for others and how much I could do for others. 

Basing your worth on something outside of yourself is a recipe for disaster. Depending on another person or situation to make you feel good, happy, and fulfilled in life will always leave you feeling unsatisfied and puts unneeded pressure on all of your relationships. The only person that can do those things for yourself is you. 

By using these...

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Surface & Deep Level Self Care & Why You Need Both

self care tips self love Oct 02, 2023

The Difference Between Surface & Deep Level Self Care & Why You Need Both

When I share what I do with the world I always share that I’m a Deep-Level Self-Care & Mindset Coach. When I say this I know that most people don’t know what I mean by that and think, “Why would I need a Self Care Coach?”.

Today I want to talk about the difference between surface-level self-care and deep-level self-care and why you need both of these infused into your daily life in order to put the best and healthiest version of yourself with the world. 

First, let’s define surface-level self-care. These are things like the bubble bath, getting your nails done, spending some time outside, and lunch with a friend. 

This type of self-care is important but will not have any lasting effect on your life if you're not taking care of yourself on a deeper level.

Deep-level self-care is working on yourself at a deeper level. For example, setting and maintaining...

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Life On My Terms: A Letter To My Younger Self

I have given a lot of time to think about how cool it would be to go through your younger years of life with all the knowledge I have now as a woman in my mid-life era or what I like to call my Villan Era, oh how much fun it would be. I would be so powerful it would be dangerous. 

This is why when I see the younger generations of women stepping into their power so amazingly I am in the front row of their cheering section. I’ll do anything to champion these young girls and women and live through their experiences with the pride of a mother. I will also do everything to raise that generation up. 

That’s where the topic came from for this blog. If I could send my younger self all my knowledge from the life that I lived so far, what would it be? What would I say to that young, insecure girl with a full life ahead of her? 

Here are some of the things on my list:

Don’t care about what anyone else thinks or says.

Nobody out there cares what you're doing. I...

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