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Life On My Terms: Lessons Learned From Having My Dog As My Life Coach

mindset self care self love Aug 28, 2023

I’m a dog person for sure. As in, my dogs are my second set of children. I’ve learned there are a couple of different levels of “dog person”. There's my crazy level. Then there are people who say they’re dog people but have to wash their hands after they touch one (Not from allergies) Now there is no hate coming from me. It’s just me noticing a difference. 

Over the past couple of years, I’ve become closer with my dogs. You know through the pandemic and them being my most favorite companions ever.

There is a lot to say about the love and companionship we get from our pets or if you're like me, your furbabies, and today I want to share a few things I’ve learned just from watching and spending so much time with them.

These things I believe are life-changing, meaning they can change our health and our relationships for the better. How many times have you heard people say, “I like animals more than I like people” There is...

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Life On My Terms: 3 Ways Drift Through The Drama & Stay On Your Life Path

mindset self care self love Aug 21, 2023

This is a fairly new lesson I’m learning with the help of this unpredictable completely crazy world we’re living in right now. Every day we hear terms like, unprecedented, challenging, turbulent, and unmatched, I could go on but I think you catch the drift.

It's been a ride that just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Just when you think something crazier can’t possibly happen, it does. I question nothing now and if someone said there's been a bird zombie outbreak, I’d be like, okay, what else you got, bees that electrocute us, no problem, I got this. 

The truth is though, that I don’t. This is a lot and the weird underline stress of it all wears you down. This is where my new lesson comes in. How do I hear about all this craziness but still stay sane and on the path I want to be on, how do I stay positive through the world drama? How do I keep myself healthy and as happy as possible? Good question right?


Well I have some suggestions, but...

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Life On My Terms: How Life Has A Way Of Mixing Things Up To Set You Straight

I have to say, the last 3-4 years of my life have been interesting, to say the least, and if you would have told me that I was going to go down the path that I went down there is no way I would have believed you. 

I retired from a career, started a business, lost a business, and started another business. My friend group has completely changed and is a whole lot smaller and more intimate. 

My relationships with my kids are even more amazing than they were and keep getting better.

I’m happily single and really enjoy being by myself. I never thought I would say that. 

Some of my blood family members have been completely removed from my life, ..for the better. It's been a crazy ride to put it lightly. 

I have to acknowledge though It has been really hard, devastating. Blindsided is also a good word. 

I also somehow know to my core that it's all the right path. 

While it's happening though, it just sucks. You can’t help but think, why is this...

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Life On My Terms: How My Intuition Is Lighting A Fire Under My Ass

Last night I had a night. One of my dogs, Max, was up all night pacing. He was upset about something? I believe it was the incoming thunderstorms. I have 2 dogs, Max & Millie. Both Golden Doodles, both adopted. Max is high maintenance, reckless, and keeps you guessing about everything type of dog and Millie is well trained, sweet, loving, and hyper as a 4yr old that just drank a large red Slurpee from 7-11.

So I did not sleep at all or you could say I was in and out of sleep and I kept having some really crazy dreams. I felt like I fell asleep and woke up a thousand times. Every time I woke up I got a message and it was the same each time. The message was, What you did to get where you are now is not going to get you where you want to go. 

Hmmm, what the heck do I need to do then? 

Well, let’s start with the fact that I’m proud of myself. I am proud because usually when I get a cryptic message from my higher self, my intuition, I don’t pay...

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Life On My Terms Series : What Makes Us Stuck & 3 Mindset Shifts I’m Using To Move Forward Now

There have been many times in my life that I’ve entered that dreaded stuck phase. It usually starts with you not realizing you're stuck, then you start to get frustrated, and me, I get cranky, then I get to the point where I just cry. I sometimes skip past all the phases but most of the time I work through them and it’s because of this one thing. 


The worst thing about fear is that it's the first thing our brain goes towards. I’m pretty sure this is meant to protect us but a lot of the time, we get stuck, frozen in time. We keep going through the motions of our life in the phases I talked about above until we’re so uncomfortable that we have to do something. 

As this is my new series of essays about living life on my terms. I’ve decided that from this point forward I’m going to take drastic steps to keep moving forward. Become more aware when fear gets a hold of me and take a leap forward embracing this fear. 

I actually know...

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New Blog Series: Life On My Terms, How I’m Deciding It Gets To Work, Just Eat The Ice Cream

In a world with so many what-ifs I've decided to be sure about how I will live my life and today I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. 

Starting with, just eat the ice cream and enjoy it. Stop saving everything for later or when. Use the good china, the good perfume, make-up, that awesome outfit, the nice shoes. Stop saving it for a special occasion, enjoy it now. Treat yourself the way you treat your house guests, do this every day! Take the day off, take the vacation, even if it’s alone, do it now, and stop waiting for someone else. Spend some money on yourself, give compliments, say I love you, ask them out, tell them you admire them, and don’t tolerate bullshit or bad behavior. Stop making excuses for others' bad behavior, and stop apologizing for your existence, you’re allowed to take up space, learn that thing you always wanted to learn, and you’re never too old or young. Fuck society's expectations, fuck the patriarchy, you’re...

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The Benefits Of Sitting In Stillness, Doing Nothing

I had something come up this week while practicing stillness as a part of my Mind Body & Soul Reset program. 

This was one of the challenges this week for everyone in the program including myself. 

To sit in stillness doing nothing. No phone, reading, social media, music, nothing. 

We started with 5 minutes because I know this can be super challenging for me, a perpetual doer, it must also be hard for others, right?

So I’ve been going outside every day to my sitting spot, I take my shoes off to also make sure I ground. Even in stillness, I’m multitasking. 

I sit there and do nothing. I close my eyes and listen to the birds, the creek running. It’s so relaxing. When my mind wanders to my schedule and what I should be doing I bring it back to focus on the birds and the creek. 

So I had two breakthroughs. First, the 5 minutes went by sooo fast, so I stayed there longer. I was surprised at how crazy fast 5 minutes were. I loved it....

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Every Choice Leads You Down A New Path, How To Be More Intentional With Your Choices

I think it’s so mind-blowing to think about how many decisions we make in a day and how each decision we make leads us down a different path. 

It’s crazy how much control we can have over our life experiences when we start to focus on being really intentional with the way we spend our time and taking the time to make the choices that are aligned with our true selves and our true path. When we learn how to respond to life instead of continuously reacting we can start to take control. 

I always think of the Katy Perry song where she talks about your life being like a plastic bag in the wind being tossed around not knowing what life will bring you next. 

While this can be true about what comes into our lives, I don’t believe it's true about the outcomes we create with those experiences that come toward us. As I said earlier, we have complete control over how we respond to our life situations so we then have control over how we want to experience...

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At My Age, I'm Happy To Just Be Doing These Things!


Yesterday, Sunday, was a great day. I was thinking about it all day. How I was having fun, I was relaxed, and the day seemed to last forever. This led me to think to myself why did I enjoy my day so much and why not have every day like this one?

I came to the conclusion that I’m at an age where I’m absolutely blissed out if I just do all the things I love and I thought I would share some of them with you today. 

I want to grow, prepare, and eat delicious plant-based whole food. This means having my hands in the dirt tending to my garden, watching it grow, pulling weeds, and watching the birds making families around me while I’m out there. I can spend 8 hours doing that and be very content and happy. Making the food. I love cooking and especially love plant-based cooking. Learning how to preserve and use the food from my garden is a new learning experience every year. The eating part. Well, we all love eating, don’t we? I think my goal this year is...

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I’m giving up my final fuck to give, are you ready to do the same?

This is what goes through my head when I come on any platform to share my message, my work, and what I’ve learned that I know will help women. 

I feel like if I speak from my soul and my truth that it will be too much. It’s a bit too edgy. That you might think I’m too much or maybe going a little too far. 

I feel it might trigger some women because what I believe is so far from society's norm. But as I said in my last blog and I’ll say it again. When did society's norm ever support women? Support women in a way where they can step into their power and be fully themselves without being judged on every level. It just doesn’t. 

This is what holds me back in my business. Holds me back from speaking about what I know to be true.

I know or believe some people, men & women, might think it's too extreme. I believe the opposite. That when women mute themselves to make others comfortable or to reduce friction and confrontation. Thats fucking...

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