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Embracing Change & Staying Present


With so much change happening around us, it’s no wonder many of us feel stressed and anxious. Things are moving and evolving rapidly, and this pace doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Whether it's due to advancements in technology or a deeper connection to spirituality, this fast-paced world might be our new normal. But there’s good news: we can manage it by staying as present as possible.

There’s a saying that has always stuck with me: Depression stems from focusing too much on the past, while anxiety arises from worrying about the future. All we truly have is the present moment, and that’s where our attention should be. If our thoughts, beliefs, and actions create our reality, it makes sense to focus on the here and now with contentment, gratitude, and fulfillment.

But how do we stay present when the world feels like it’s moving at lightning speed? It can be challenging, but it’s absolutely possible. Let me share with you seven...

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