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Step 3 - Create a path where you feel lit up

Create a path where you feel lit up~

Some of the things we talked about in the last step, revisit what brings you joy,  are things that really make you feel lit up inside when you're doing them. It's the feeling as if you're in a flow, time passes quickly and it's amazing how much you get done. It could be something simple like painting watercolor or something more complicated like volunteering. Either way, it lights you up!

These are the things you need to focus on and also need to spend the majority of your time doing. I understand, we all have responsibilities. This is true but, you can start shifting your life in a way to make things that bring you joy become your responsibilities. This can take time but if not now, then when??

To create more space for yourself, be aware of the things that are energy suckers, things, or people that make you feel crappy, anxious. and tired. Remove or mitigate these things from your life immediately. I don't know about you but I have no time...

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5 steps to find life purpose

5 steps to find life purpose 

Start to live as your authentic self and create the impact your want in the world

How exactly do we become lost or disconnected from ourselves to the point where we feel completely stuck and uninspired in life.

I hear this time and time again especially from women heading into the middle part of life. They just feel like they have no purpose and no joy in their life. Like they are just going through the motions. I call this “Living on the hamster wheel.”

I believe a big part is we spend so much time, sometimes years taking care of other people, putting everyone else first at the cost of our happiness and health. 

Most of this is expected of us from our family, significant others, and also society in general. Women are expected to be the perfect caretaker, mom, wife, friend, employee, and business owner. We are also expected to do this while looking and acting a certain way, thin, young, and beautiful. If I have to hear about one...

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Self-Care Sunday - Breathe Deep!

Welcome To Self-Care Sunday!

This week I want to focus on what to do when you're feeling stressed or frazzled. Maybe you can’t focus on a project or something that has just thrown your day off and you need to quickly reset.
The quickest, most effective tactic is to just breathe. I know, it sounds so simple and you’ve heard it a million times. Some people even say, this doesn’t work for me but it is actually scientifically proven to get you out of fight or flight and get you into a more relaxed state super quick.
Here are a few different ways to do this:
Box Breathing - This is a technique used by navy seals and it’s my personal favorite. It’s the only one that calms me down when I’m super amped up. When I’m super anxious no other breathing method works for me and now this is what I use when I meditate.
You start by breathing in through your nose to four count, hold at the top for four count, exhale for four...
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5 Ways To Set Boundaries To Live Happier

Setting boundaries might sound a bit confrontational or limiting. Actually, it’s what I think is one of the most important forms of self-care/self-love and it is not limiting but actually very expansive and can help you live your life more fully being authentically yourself.

What exactly is a boundary? A boundary is a limit we set around what we consider acceptable and unacceptable behavior. What we will do or not do, accept, and tolerate.

A boundary is very personal, it has nothing to do with another person. It is our own setpoint for what is acceptable in our life and it is our responsibility to set and maintain them and no one else's.

If you feel someone has stepped over one of your boundaries it’s because you let it happen.

It is not someone else's job to uphold and respect our boundaries, it’s our job.

If you set a boundary and don’t hold to it then you will send the message that no one else has to respect it either.

We teach people how to treat us.


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Self-care To Help With Anxiety

Self-care To Help With Anxiety

When all the crap started in 2020 (Too much crap to list for all of us), I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking anxious. And I knew I needed to make some adjustments. My anxiety level was unreasonable and I knew I needed to get it to chill. I started to do some research on how I could do this naturally.

Keep in mind in order to really make changes in the way you feel you have to do the work. If you want to feel different then you have to be different. So commit to doing the work when you get started.

Here are a few changes I made that helped.

I Cut Back On The Caffeine

This was tough for me, I love coffee and it's such a huge part of my routine. The more I read about it, the more I knew it needed to be done!

Caffeine can not only increase anxiety levels but even worse people with anxiety can be more vulnerable to its effects. I now drink mostly decaffeinated which I did gradually over time. If you want to know my system, contact me and I'll share.


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How To Make Saying "No" Easy

self-care Feb 15, 2021

This week I thought it would be great to talk about learning how to say no to things you really don't want to do so you can say yes to things that light you up inside.

This is a way to prioritize and protect one of your most valuable resources! Time.

 So make sure when you say yes to something it's a hell yes! Agreed?

 Today I'm going to cover 3 different situations and how to say no.


To The Boss - When You Don't Have The Time

I know this project/work is important to you. Can we spend some time looking at my current responsibilities because I want to do my job very well and I don't want anything to fall through the cracks. I can get this done for you but we might have to put another project on the back burner so I can give you my best work for this one.” It's the truth and it's polite and respectful.


To A Close Friend Or Family Member – If You're Currently In A State Of Over Scheduled Overwhelm

I'm sorry I'll have to pass right now....

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5-5 Minute Health Tips To Get Back On Track Today

Now that we are coming into the cooler months and the kids are kinda going back to school it's also time to get our healthy habits back on track.

With everything that is going on in the world today, I can sometimes get overwhelmed and I decided to write this post with this in mind.

What can I do that only takes a few minutes that will improve my health and keep me on track? Here are 5 things to get you started.

  1. Eat more plant-based WHOLE FOOD. - If this sounds like a big, more than 5-minute step to you, well, It can be. It doesn't have to be though. Let's break it down. What is plant-based? This is eating food that does NOT come from animals. So no meat, dairy, eggs. Now, What is WHOLE FOOD? This is eating food that is unprocessed, foods that come from the earth with no ingredient label, or a very limited ingredient label. By eating a plant-based whole food diet you are fueling your body with vitamins, nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. There are no...
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