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Step 3 - Create a path where you feel lit up

Create a path where you feel lit up~

Some of the things we talked about in the last step, revisit what brings you joy,  are things that really make you feel lit up inside when you're doing them. It's the feeling as if you're in a flow, time passes quickly and it's amazing how much you get done. It could be something simple like painting watercolor or something more complicated like volunteering. Either way, it lights you up!

These are the things you need to focus on and also need to spend the majority of your time doing. I understand, we all have responsibilities. This is true but, you can start shifting your life in a way to make things that bring you joy become your responsibilities. This can take time but if not now, then when??

To create more space for yourself, be aware of the things that are energy suckers, things, or people that make you feel crappy, anxious. and tired. Remove or mitigate these things from your life immediately. I don't know about you but I have no time...

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