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5-5 Minute Health Tips To Get Back On Track Today

Now that we are coming into the cooler months and the kids are kinda going back to school it's also time to get our healthy habits back on track.

With everything that is going on in the world today, I can sometimes get overwhelmed and I decided to write this post with this in mind.

What can I do that only takes a few minutes that will improve my health and keep me on track? Here are 5 things to get you started.

  1. Eat more plant-based WHOLE FOOD. - If this sounds like a big, more than 5-minute step to you, well, It can be. It doesn't have to be though. Let's break it down. What is plant-based? This is eating food that does NOT come from animals. So no meat, dairy, eggs. Now, What is WHOLE FOOD? This is eating food that is unprocessed, foods that come from the earth with no ingredient label, or a very limited ingredient label. By eating a plant-based whole food diet you are fueling your body with vitamins, nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. There are no chemicals, preservatives, food dyes. and added sugars like you find in processed foods. Can you see why you would feel better and have more energy eating like this? For more info on eating a plant-based diet read my blog post on The Ultimate Guide To Eating A Plant-Based Diet. Now back to the 5 minutes, let's take some baby steps. Step 1 - Plan 1 meal or snack a day that falls into this category. Step 2 - Start reading labels at the food store on things you already buy to learn what's in them and to see if you want to continue to put that in your body. Hot Tip: If you can pronounce it, don't eat it!
  2. Take very small steps when trying to reach any goal - A big part of having success if you have a really important large goal is to take very small steps. Taking small steps allows you to have small wins along the way to help gain momentum and confidence. To help make these small steps more achievable attach them to a habit or action you know you're going to take every day. For Example, I know every day I'm going to wake up and go to the kitchen to make my coffee. instead of just standing there while I wait for it to be done I do a quick bodyweight workout. Sometimes push-ups, lunges, squats. It's great to get it done and doing it every day or a couple of days a week whips me into shape and it's so quick it's like it never even happened, lol.
  3. Declutter to de-stress - After suffering a stroke at the age of 39, controlling stress became a priority to me, and finding different ways to do this was important. It was hard for me to just slow down and chill so doing busywork that also helped reduce stress was a necessity. So why de-clutter? De-cluttering helps a room feel clean and open to positive energy. Putting away or getting rid of things leaves your space clean and beautiful so you can relax and enjoy the positive vibes. Don't believe me? Just give it a try, de-clutter your wallet, pocketbook, or the junk drawer. Doing these small little projects only takes a few minutes but clears your space and mind which leads to less stress.
  4. Change the way you look at things - Instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed try looking at your situation with a different point of view. Instead of thinking why is this happening to me? Think, why is this happening for me? Look for the positive. Ask how can I learn from this? How can I move forward a better, stronger person and use this lesson/situation in a positive way? A great example of this is how I decided to deal with the COVID virus. I was originally terrified and felt kinda helpless. Instead, I decided to take my power back and do the best I could do to stay healthy and strong. Eat well, exercise, sleep well, and learn more about controlling my anxiety and stress in many different ways. This made me feel more secure and less like a victim which is a better way to spend my time. I also decided to help other people do the same!
  5. Make self-care a priority - Treat yourself like the beautiful human you are. We all deserve the very best care. We were born this way and that never changes. The number one person who will give you that care is yourself! That's right, you! So it's time to make that a priority. Guess what? As soon as you start showing the world how important it is to take care of yourself, the rest of the world will start to treat you with the same care. You show everyone how you're supposed to be treated so do a great job and set a good example for your little ones to follow. Here are some super quick 5-minute self-care actions. Meditate for 5 minutes, Stop a couple of times a day and take 5 deep belly expanding breaths, Have a cup of tea/coffee and just sit, daydream, make a plant-based smoothie, think of 3 great things that happened today, put on your favorite song and dance, get up and stretch, Do a 5-minute workout, call a friend/family member and talk, cuddle with your dog/cat.<3

As you can see it doesn't take a lot of time to start to get your health back on track this month and also to continue these actions as you move forward to stay healthy and strong!

If you would like to learn more about how to get your health back on track, learn to overcome any obstacles that appear, and feel confident to stick with your new healthy lifestyle plan, I can help. It's pretty easy and affordable! Schedule a free strategy session call with me and see if you're a good fit for the 90-Day Back on Track Program.

Xo and talk soon, T




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