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Combining Clean and Intuitive Eating for Weight-Loss

~Combining Clean and Intuitive Eating for Weight-Loss


In order to have weight loss that lasts you really don’t need a diet, you need a lifestyle change. You can’t expect the weight to stay off if you revert back to old habits. So the first step to long-lasting weight loss and improved health is accepting that you will have to make a lifestyle change.

Today I will cover 4 ways to get started with clean and intuitive eating so that you can get rid of some of those unwanted pounds and improve your health.


  • Eat Plant-Based Whole Food - What exactly does this mean? Well, plant-based is eating mostly plants and avoiding any animal-based foods. Whole foods are foods that are not processed. These foods don’t have an ingredient list or they might have a very limited one. Veggies, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. When you do buy something with a label, make sure you read it and know what the ingredients are. If you wouldn’t feed it to a baby then...
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3 Steps To Declutter Your Mind

3 Steps To Declutter Your Mind


I love to declutter stuff. My car, my closet, my junk drawer, and pretty much any part of my life. What most people don’t think about is how to declutter your mind so you can have less stress and anxiety and also make space for more creativity and happiness.


I recently did a FB live on decluttering in my FB Group, Empowering Women at 40 and Beyond, and was going to write about decluttering everything, but then I thought it would be better to focus on your mind because we often fail to think and care for ourselves and I’d say getting your head unclogged would be beneficial, right?


Here are 3 steps you can take to help declutter your mind.



  • Take care of all that unpleasant unfinished business - You know what I’m talking about. All those unpleasant things you need to do but put off forever. Calling the bank about that unknown charge, doing your taxes, making a doctors appointment, calling a family or...
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Self-care To Help With Anxiety

Self-care To Help With Anxiety

When all the crap started in 2020 (Too much crap to list for all of us), I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking anxious. And I knew I needed to make some adjustments. My anxiety level was unreasonable and I knew I needed to get it to chill. I started to do some research on how I could do this naturally.

Keep in mind in order to really make changes in the way you feel you have to do the work. If you want to feel different then you have to be different. So commit to doing the work when you get started.

Here are a few changes I made that helped.

I Cut Back On The Caffeine

This was tough for me, I love coffee and it's such a huge part of my routine. The more I read about it, the more I knew it needed to be done!

Caffeine can not only increase anxiety levels but even worse people with anxiety can be more vulnerable to its effects. I now drink mostly decaffeinated which I did gradually over time. If you want to know my system, contact me and I'll share.


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