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How To Make Saying "No" Easy

self-care Feb 15, 2021

This week I thought it would be great to talk about learning how to say no to things you really don't want to do so you can say yes to things that light you up inside.

This is a way to prioritize and protect one of your most valuable resources! Time.

 So make sure when you say yes to something it's a hell yes! Agreed?

 Today I'm going to cover 3 different situations and how to say no.


To The Boss - When You Don't Have The Time

I know this project/work is important to you. Can we spend some time looking at my current responsibilities because I want to do my job very well and I don't want anything to fall through the cracks. I can get this done for you but we might have to put another project on the back burner so I can give you my best work for this one.” It's the truth and it's polite and respectful.


To A Close Friend Or Family Member – If You're Currently In A State Of Over Scheduled Overwhelm

I'm sorry I'll have to pass right now. I've completely overscheduled myself and feel stressed. I promised myself I would get my self-care on track and regain some control over my schedule. Until then I'll have to say no.”


To An Business Opportunity That You Don't Have Time For

I'm flattered you thought of me but I would not be able to give this the full attention it deserves. However, I would love to stay connected and possibly work together in the future.


The Blanket “No”

Thanks for thinking of me however, I have other commitments/plans right now”

 I'm sure you could tweek these a bit if needed. The point is, practice these and make sure you only say yes to the things that light you up inside!

 Xo, T

 P.S. If you would like to watch the Live segment I did on this topic, head over to my private Facebook group where I go live, weekly, on different topics to help empower you!

Head here to join Empowering Women 40 and Beyond: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenempowerment40andbeyond



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