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Beyond Fitness: The Holistic Benefits of Mindful Movement

Changing your mindset about movement


Something I've been thinking about a lot recently is how we move about our lives. Not just to stay in shape. But all the ways in which we move our bodies and how these things can hurt us or help us get stronger and thrive.


I used to think that all physical movement was good for me at all times. Even when I was exhausted, I pushed myself to go on a run or workout. I still do this sometimes today!


I have learned through the recovery process from being in a constant state of fight or flight and also from healing from a stroke that this is not always the case. 


We can experience the most growth and healing from our time at rest and this is when our muscles actually grow. 


Not letting ourselves rest can actually make us weaker and more susceptible to sickness. 


Also, for women, there is the added bonus of our cycle and I now know that there are certain times for certain types of movement and...

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Step 8 - De-stress and self-care

Step 8 - De-stress and self-care - Life Purpose Guide

De-stress and self-care

Most of the things we have talked about so far could be considered de-stressors and self-care. You will find if you don't continuously look at the ways you spend your time and reset how you might be doing things, you’ll become unbalanced. Just like riding on a bicycle becomes habitual and second nature, where you don't even have to think about the balance, it just happens, you need to form this same habit with self-care in your life.


I believe that learning to set boundaries and maintain them so you can protect your energy and time is the foundation of self-care.

How do you know when you need to set a boundary? If you are feeling obligated to do something to keep the peace or to avoid conflict a boundary needs to be placed here.

If you feel like someone is walking all over you or you feel like a doormat, a boundary needs to be set.

Setting boundaries is about deciding what is acceptable...

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3 Steps To Declutter Your Mind

3 Steps To Declutter Your Mind


I love to declutter stuff. My car, my closet, my junk drawer, and pretty much any part of my life. What most people don’t think about is how to declutter your mind so you can have less stress and anxiety and also make space for more creativity and happiness.


I recently did a FB live on decluttering in my FB Group, Empowering Women at 40 and Beyond, and was going to write about decluttering everything, but then I thought it would be better to focus on your mind because we often fail to think and care for ourselves and I’d say getting your head unclogged would be beneficial, right?


Here are 3 steps you can take to help declutter your mind.



  • Take care of all that unpleasant unfinished business - You know what I’m talking about. All those unpleasant things you need to do but put off forever. Calling the bank about that unknown charge, doing your taxes, making a doctors appointment, calling a family or...
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5-5 Minute Health Tips To Get Back On Track Today

Now that we are coming into the cooler months and the kids are kinda going back to school it's also time to get our healthy habits back on track.

With everything that is going on in the world today, I can sometimes get overwhelmed and I decided to write this post with this in mind.

What can I do that only takes a few minutes that will improve my health and keep me on track? Here are 5 things to get you started.

  1. Eat more plant-based WHOLE FOOD. - If this sounds like a big, more than 5-minute step to you, well, It can be. It doesn't have to be though. Let's break it down. What is plant-based? This is eating food that does NOT come from animals. So no meat, dairy, eggs. Now, What is WHOLE FOOD? This is eating food that is unprocessed, foods that come from the earth with no ingredient label, or a very limited ingredient label. By eating a plant-based whole food diet you are fueling your body with vitamins, nutrients, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. There are no...
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