Have you ever felt somewhat stuck in your life? Like no matter what you try you can’t seem to move in the direction of where you want to go. Now you might feel awful, but you also might feel very inspired with big dreams and goals, but you're frozen in a state of overwhelm. So, How Do we,
We all feel this way at some point in our lives, as a matter of fact I believe we go through this in cycles when we are experiencing growth or need to experience growth.
So, if you can describe yourself as the first person, just completely stuck and somewhat unhappy, then the first thing I would ask you is what do you want? Almost always the person says to me, I don’t know what I want. Then I would move on to how you want to feel. If life was perfect, what are the feelings you would be experiencing on a daily basis? Start with that.
Most of the time when we are working towards a goal it’s not the actual...
Reframing - Why is this happening for me and not to me?
Did you ever get stuck in one of those cycles where nothing is working out? You think things can’t get worse and then they do, and again, over and over?
We’ve all been there, right?
So what do you do to get out of this horrific cycle? How do you respond and not react to it?
One of the most powerful shifts I’ve made in my life was when I learned to ask myself a question whenever I was in this situation.
It’s so simple but it’s hard to bounce out of the old mindset into the new.
Old mindset: OMG Why is this happening to me?
New Mindset: Okay, deep breath, why is this happening for me? <<Powerful Question, Right Here<<
You see when we are in a rut or we believe things aren’t working out for us it's almost always because we are out of alignment with...
Want To Get Unstuck In Life? This Is The First Step
I know this sounds like a big promise to someone that has been stuck for a long time or someone who might have been trying to get unstuck for a while. However, I’ve noticed a lot of stuck people including myself forget this one first step that I think is the most important.
What do you want? What do you want to experience in your life?
You might say, “I don’t know, that’s why I’m stuck”
Well of course I’m going to show you how to figure this out but before I start I want to talk about why it’s important to know this first.
You know how when you go on an important road trip and you're starting from one place and you want to get to another? Say you’re driving from NY and you're headed to LA. You have a starting point and then a destination.
Well, in order to get somewhere in our life we need the same thing. We don’t need...