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Live With Purpose Series - How To Find Your Passion & Purpose

How To Find Your Passion & Purpose

Sometimes when we’re really stuck. We have been so out of sink with ourselves we don’t even know what we want to do with our life anymore, we don’t know what makes us happy.

This happens when we spend years of our lives taking care of everyone else, having no boundaries, and never putting ourselves first. When we do this we lose that connection with ourselves, we lose the connection to our intuition.

I have two steps I use to help make that reconnection with yourself and start to figure out what makes you happy, what makes you feel like you have a purpose when you wake up each morning.

We get so busy with our family, careers, relationships, and sometimes the care of a parent. We can easily lose track of the things we used to enjoy. It's not just the big things like hobbies and traveling. It's the little things too. A walk in nature, a quiet cup of coffee with a book. We tell ourselves we don't have time.

Before you know it, we...

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Live With Purpose Series - Dealing With That Negative Inner Voice

Last week I talked about getting started and creating some forward action by setting some big goals and dreams. If you missed it you can listen HERE to Episode 023.

But we haven’t yet talked about what to do when that negative inner voice pops up and puts a stop to all those big dreams. What a party pooper, right?

Today, we are going to talk about this and learn how to understand where that voice comes from and how to deal with it. Listen to the podcast version of this blog post >>HERE<<

First things first, that inner voice is not you. To understand where it comes from you first need to understand your fear response from the brain. When your brain perceives fear it will do anything it can to stop you from doing whatever you're doing. We have all heard of fight, flight, freeze, fawn. Sometimes these responses can be necessary. Most of the time not.

When you're about to do something and the voice in your head says you can’t do that, you’re too fat, too...

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