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Live With Purpose Series - How To Find Your Passion & Purpose

How To Find Your Passion & Purpose

Sometimes when we’re really stuck. We have been so out of sink with ourselves we don’t even know what we want to do with our life anymore, we don’t know what makes us happy.

This happens when we spend years of our lives taking care of everyone else, having no boundaries, and never putting ourselves first. When we do this we lose that connection with ourselves, we lose the connection to our intuition.

I have two steps I use to help make that reconnection with yourself and start to figure out what makes you happy, what makes you feel like you have a purpose when you wake up each morning.

We get so busy with our family, careers, relationships, and sometimes the care of a parent. We can easily lose track of the things we used to enjoy. It's not just the big things like hobbies and traveling. It's the little things too. A walk in nature, a quiet cup of coffee with a book. We tell ourselves we don't have time.

Before you know it, we are going through our lives unconsciously not even aware that we aren't having too much fun, we lose our sense of self, you know, that fun lady you used to know:) Now it's time for you to make time and find her.

Listen to this topic on the podcast >>HERE<<

Here are some action steps to journal on: Write down the things that brought you joy during the different stages of your life, anything you can remember.

  • Elementary years, Teen Years, the Twenties, Thirties, Forties, Fifties, Your Sixties, Ect.

Write down whatever your first thought is and don't question it. Don't judge yourself... just shut that voice down quickly. Remember this is your list, not societies, your spouse's, or your children's. Write how you felt when you did these things.

Now, look at your lists and circle or highlight all the things that repeat or that are in common.

These are some of the things you should consider revisiting again. Don't just say you will, either do it right at this moment or schedule it. Success comes in your actions.

Actions you can take:

  • Make a new list of things that you are willing to try again.
  • Add one per week to your schedule.
  • When that feeling of fear comes up, thank it for protecting you and tell it you're moving forward anyway.
  • Remind yourself, this is a commitment to yourself. It’s important to follow through with these commitments so you can build and keep self-trust.
  • Ask a friend or family member to join you. You’ll have loads of fun!!
  • Put this on your schedule on your phone or whatever you use for appointments.

Affirmation: I am on a journey to get to know myself again and I love who I am!

Tips: Make a point to look at this list every day to remind yourself to add joy to every day. To make it easier, take a sticky note, write your list on there, and put it on the fridge.

Some of the things we talked about in the last step, revisiting what brings you joy, are things that really make you feel lit up inside when you're doing them. It's the feeling as if you're in a flow, time passes quickly and it's amazing how much you get done. It could be something simple like painting watercolor or something more complicated like volunteering. Either way, it lights you up!

These are the things you need to focus on and also need to spend the majority of your time doing. I understand, we all have responsibilities. This is true but, you can start shifting your life in a way to make things that bring you joy become your responsibilities. This can take time but if not now, then when??

The next step, create more space for yourself and be aware of all the energy suckers, or people that make you feel crappy and anxious. and tired. Remove or mitigate these from your life immediately. I don't know about you but I have no time for this crap, I'm heading into my second half of life and my time is my most valuable asset! Either ditch it, delegate it, or do it! If it's not a hell yes, it's a no.

Action step:

  • Make a list of all the people and situations that you think are energy vampires.
  • Now, on a piece of paper create three columns. Name the columns, Ditch, Delegate, Do. Put each of these energy suckers into one of the columns. (Freebie this week for Fridays Podcast Episode 026)
  • If this energy sucker is a person, it would be hard to put it in one of these columns. Instead, decide to end the relationship or manage it better with strong boundaries. (A whole other topic)
  • Then all you need to do is follow through depending on what column you put it in. If you still decide to do something, there should be a boundary set to protect your energy. For example, If you decided that social media is a major energy sucker but you know you still have to do it. then set a schedule of 15 minutes per day and then stick with it. This is the boundary you’re setting and maintaining to protect your energy.

Affirmation: I control the energy that enters into my space and I protect it like my life depends on it, because it does. My life is filled with positive energy.

Tips: Pay attention to what enters your life and space continuously throughout the day. Take care of the energy suckers and praise the positive vibes. If you do this consistently it will become a habit.

These are two steps you can take to create the spark you need to start living in your purpose.

These things may or may not be your purpose but the point is to start shifting the majority of your time over to things that make you happy, that help you connect with the real you that's been in hibernation and in turn find your purpose.

This will bring you closer and closer every day to waking up in the morning inspired and feeling that sense of purpose that only you can create for yourself!

Be sure to keep adding deep-level self-care into your life every day.

Xo T


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