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Choosing You - Creating Rituals That Support Your Energy

I absolutely love this topic. I love chipping away at all these little ways I can support my energy and take care of myself at the highest level.

I’m also a big fan of baby steps.

This week I wanted to share with you some things I do on a regular basis to be really intentional about what I choose to expose my energy to.

I want to point out that this is a choice, some might not agree but with a little awareness and some strong boundaries, you get to create the environment you live in. 

All of it, is how you work, who you spend time with, and what media you expose yourself to. These are all choices we make every day. Sometimes not consciously. 

So starting now is the best time to start to bring awareness to your energy enhancers and suckers and adjust accordingly. The best part is you can break it down into all these baby steps and today I’m going to share a few that I love to work on.

Media is one thing that takes a huge toll on me and a lot of my clients and...

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How To Step Into Your Power & Start Choosing You!

I had a thought this morning after and great night's sleep and some morning journaling and meditation that I wanted to start to shift my focus away from the Live With Purpose Series and move into Choosing You.

How to step into YOUR power and start choosing yourself on the daily so you can show up in your life as the best version of yourself.

Today I’ll talk about how you can start doing this every day.

You know I encourage you to take have big goals and dreams but to take small consistent steps and keep moving forward.

Well, this is no different. Choosing to support yourself, your health, your beliefs, and your energy, and protecting that like your life depends on it is the DEEPEST level of self-care.

It’s creating and maintaining those powerful healthy boundaries and treating yourself with the same level of support you give your partner, your kids, and your best friend.

I recently saw a creator on Tik Tok (No, I don’t know her name but obviously, she is awesome,...

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