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Are you Experiencing Burnout? 3 Ways to Tell & When to Get Help

Have you ever wondered if the stress you were experiencing was just a little too much? 

I know I had this pivotal moment in my life when I was in my late 30’s. I was newly divorced, raising 3 kids by myself, I was isolated from my family, and I was working a high stress sales job that I hated. 

Also, leading up to my divorce, my partner was absent, not really participating and sometimes away for 3 weeks out of a month. The only participation was a paycheck. 

So, the stress was there for a while and got significantly worse after the divorce just because it’s impossible to raise 3 kids by yourself. Now I had some really good friends that were very helpful, but it wasn’t enough.

There was a 6 year difference between my oldest and my younger two because of two miscarriages I experienced in between that were devastating but the age difference was tough.

My oldest played almost every sport and so I spent a lot of time in the car and on the field watching...

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