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Removing Friction From Your Daily Life To Create Peace & Flow

"Create flow in your life and environment by reducing friction. 


When we eliminate unnecessary obstacles and simplify our surroundings, we can experience more ease and harmony in our daily lives. Whether it's decluttering your space, streamlining your schedule, or simplifying your relationships, take small steps to create more flow and enjoy the benefits of a more peaceful and fulfilling life. “


Today I want to talk with you about all those little and sometimes big things that clog us our energy space and create more stress and anxiety.


As a person who can vert easily become stressed or also be drawn into a state of anxiety, these “little things” actually have some pretty big effects on our lives. Let me share some with you that can have this effect on your life. 


One is our space, For a moment look around you and do a quick audit of your space. Ask Yourself, is it cluttered? Is it filled with the things I love and bring me...

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