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Combining Clean and Intuitive Eating for Weight-Loss

~Combining Clean and Intuitive Eating for Weight-Loss


In order to have weight loss that lasts you really don’t need a diet, you need a lifestyle change. You can’t expect the weight to stay off if you revert back to old habits. So the first step to long-lasting weight loss and improved health is accepting that you will have to make a lifestyle change.

Today I will cover 4 ways to get started with clean and intuitive eating so that you can get rid of some of those unwanted pounds and improve your health.


  • Eat Plant-Based Whole Food - What exactly does this mean? Well, plant-based is eating mostly plants and avoiding any animal-based foods. Whole foods are foods that are not processed. These foods don’t have an ingredient list or they might have a very limited one. Veggies, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. When you do buy something with a label, make sure you read it and know what the ingredients are. If you wouldn’t feed it to a baby then...
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