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How To Dream Big & Step Into That Version Of You Now

If you knew you could have anything you wanted without fail, what would you pursue?


This is the magic question. 


Most people don’t go much further than this because they don’t think they can have what they want.


They might think it’s too big, too much, too whatever. 


Or, they might think, I’m too young, too old, not educated enough, not experienced enough.


The bigness of it overwhelms you and it feels much safer to stick with the status quo.


I’m here to tell you, if you can think it, dream it, you get to have it. 


Think of it this way. As soon as it pops into your head, it exists. It’s there, bamm, you just started the creation process. Don’t leave it hanging!


Think about the i phone. If someone told you about a dream they had to create this handheld iphone/computer in the 70s you would have thought they were bat shit crazy.


But here we are.


If you’re...

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Overcoming Fears - 3 Tips On Dealing With Stagefright

You know that nervous feeling when you're about to speak in public, do a FB live, or even speaking at a board meeting. 

Nervous, sweaty palms, sweaty everything!

Why is it that this one thing is so unnerving to a majority of the public?

The answer is, it’s a very important basic human need. The need to belong. Be accepted and loved by our friends, family, community, and our peers. As I said, it’s a basic human need so right up there with food and shelter.

So cut yourself some slack and use some of these tips to help you deal with the stress and consider that that nervous feeling is just a bit of excitement.

Like I always say, there is always magical stuff on the other side of discomfort.


Here are some tips:


  • Preparation. This one helps me tons! Make sure whatever you’re going to be speaking about that you have all the information you need. Also, make an outline with the talking points you will cover to stay on track.
  • Practice. Before I do a FB...
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6 Quick Confidence Boosters

6 Quick Confidence Boosters

Helping with immediate challenges


While there's a lot of things you can do to help with your confidence on a deeper level that has more staying power, today I'm talking about tips for a quick confidence boost in an immediate situation you might be dealing with.


So first what is confidence? And what is the difference between confidence and self-worth/esteem?


Self-esteem is your sense of self, who you are, and your acceptance of that.


Confidence is a belief in your capabilities.


These definitely have an effect on each other but are different things.


Here are a few quick tips to help improve your confidence levels.


  • Visualization - Before going into a situation you might be intimidated with, rehearse it successfully in your head. Go through the whole situation step by step. See yourself getting through it successfully without any problems.

  • Educate yourself about the subject or the challenge your facing,...

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