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5 Ways to Have an Epic New Year: Focus on Your Passions, Happiness, Peace, and Joy


As the new year approaches, it’s time to let go of the pressure of traditional resolutions and instead create a year that’s truly aligned with what lights you up. Forget the “shoulds” and the checkboxes society imposes on us—this year, let’s focus on your passions, happiness, peace, and joy. Here are five ways to make this year epic, intentional, and soul-aligned.

1. Define Your Core Values and Passions

Your core values and passions are your inner compass. They guide you toward what truly matters and keep you grounded in what makes you unique.

When you want to get to a certain destination or reach a goal, you need to know two things. Where you are starting, your current situation and where you want to end up. This is why knowing your core values in all the areas of your life, health, fitness, career, ect. Knowing what is important to you in these areas and what it is you want to experience in these areas is so important. It keeps you...

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3 Reasons You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals

Why You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals


I absolutely love vision boards! I make one every year and I find it not just fun but also a creative and powerful practice.

I love looking at it every day and being able to visualize each goal and feel the positive feelings that come with the journey to reaching each one of them. This is why I do this every year and sometimes even more than once a year. Because it works. It adds that extra boost, and focus you need to keep moving forward even when things might get hard.


I want to go over a few reasons why this works, it's not magic, although it feels that way. It's just a fun way to make things happen so it doesn't feel like work:)


  1. Creating a vision board makes you commit to specific goals – In order to create the creative masterpiece that you will use to inspire you to take action you have to really be specific about the goals and find creative ways to convey them on paper or digitally....

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A Meal For You, For Good Luck and Fortune

I created this recipe last year to bring in the New Year with good luck and fortune so I decided to cook this recipe yesterday during my Meatless Monday Live on FB.

Check out the video HERE!

I changed it up a bit by adding some veggie sausage for a little more flavor and some turmeric and black pepper for their anti-inflammatory benefits. It came out very yummy! A great nutrient-dense meal to serve your body in the New Year.

Get the original recipe HERE


At the end of the year, I just finished up at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. I am happy to announce that I am now a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert and Instructor. I've revamped some old programs and created some new ones to serve you.

If you're looking to take care of your health this year and uplevel what you've been up to so far check out the line-up of new programs I'll be offering in the New Year.

I'll be teaching how to eat clean to help heal your body and add nutrient-dense foods to regain energy and thrive....

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