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Choosing You - What Do You Really Want?

I’ve been chatting with you for a couple of weeks now talking about how you need to stop all the doing, doing, doing, and start to get centered and tuned into yourself, your true self, and asking the question:

Is this what I want to be doing?

Is it something I love?

Is it something I’m proud of?

Does it give me purpose?

If not, then it's time to make some changes.

Listen to the podcast version of this blog post HERE.

It’s about interrupting the robot like doing, what society expects of us, and start paying attention to our needs first. When you do this, all of society benefits because you’ll be putting your best self and your best work and creations into the world.

It’s time for you to start making small shifts toward the things you love. 

Instead of spending 75% of your life serving a person/company/corporation who sometimes does not contribute to our community. It’s time to flip-flop that number to you spending this time on the things you...

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3 Reasons You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals

Why You Should Use a Vision Board to Put Power Behind Your Goals


I absolutely love vision boards! I make one every year and I find it not just fun but also a creative and powerful practice.

I love looking at it every day and being able to visualize each goal and feel the positive feelings that come with the journey to reaching each one of them. This is why I do this every year and sometimes even more than once a year. Because it works. It adds that extra boost, and focus you need to keep moving forward even when things might get hard.


I want to go over a few reasons why this works, it's not magic, although it feels that way. It's just a fun way to make things happen so it doesn't feel like work:)


  1. Creating a vision board makes you commit to specific goals – In order to create the creative masterpiece that you will use to inspire you to take action you have to really be specific about the goals and find creative ways to convey them on paper or digitally....

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