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Embracing the Art of Simply Being: A Deep Dive into Self-Care

Hey there, self-care enthusiasts!

In the latest episode of my "Soul Aligned Self-Care Podcast," I dive into a topic that hits home for so many of us: the struggle to just "be" instead of constantly chasing productivity. 

Listen here: https://www.tinastinson.com/podcasts/soul-aligned-self-care/episodes/2148841709

I share my personal journey and some golden nuggets of wisdom on the importance of self-care and making space for ourselves in our hectic lives. So, grab your favorite cozy drink, and let's break down the key themes and tips from this episode!

The Pressure to Be Productive

Understanding the Root of Productivity Pressure

I kick off the episode by talking about that nagging pressure we all feel to be endlessly productive. You know, the one that makes us feel guilty for taking a breather. I get real about my own story, including a stroke at 39 due to stress and burnout, to show just how crucial self-care is.

Societal Conditioning: From the get-go, we're taught to...

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Creating a Positive Future Outlook: It Gets to Be Easy

Creating and Following Through with a Positive Future Outlook: It Gets to Be Easy

In today's climate it can feel quite overwhelming to maintain a positive outlook. I know I can struggle with this sometimes and then I always remind myself to take things one day at a time. That's all we really have. Then, make the best of that day.

We all dream of a bright and fulfilling future, but sometimes the road to achieving our dreams can feel overwhelming. The good news? It doesn’t have to be. 

I’m here to remind you that creating and maintaining a positive future outlook can be simple and joyful. 

Because I love making lists and having action steps laid out for me, this is often what I love to create for you. 

Let’s explore some easy steps to help you envision and follow through on a future that excites you.

Start with a Clear Vision

    1. Dream Big: Allow yourself to dream without limitations. What does your ideal future look like? What kind of life do you want...
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5 Actions That Get You Unstuck

5 Actions You Can Take To Get Unstuck

Listen To The Podcast HERE

Every one of us has those points of transition in our lives. Sometimes We move through them with no problem, it’s not usually enjoyable but we keep moving forward so it’s over at some point. Then we have those times where we know we are in a transition period but we’re just not moving forward, we're stuck and it’s so frustrating. 

I’ve definitely been here, more than once, and I have a few things I do to push myself up and out and start to move forward. 

So, why do we get stuck? Well, this can be different for everyone but a lot of times it's because we are in a state of fight, flight, or freeze. Hence the freeze part. Also, it might just be the fear of the unknown and your own body & brain not letting you leave your comfort zone. 

hen we are in freeze because we experienced something very stressful or traumatic, your brain goes into protection mode. It’s your...

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Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine

Transform Your Day: Create a Relaxed and Intentional Morning Routine to Reduce Stress and Boost Happiness

Starting your morning out on the right foot can really have a profound effect on your entire day and sometimes your whole week. 

Just think about how you feel when something negative happens first thing in the morning. We can all get better at managing how we respond to these things, but we are not perfect. I know I’m not! 

So why not be really intentional about how you start your day so that you have a great experience, every day!

This is what this week’s self care practice is all about, creating a relaxed intentional morning routine to start your day off in a way that serves you all day long.

One of the things to remember when you’re creating this morning practice is to do what feels good to you, what feels relaxed to you. I’ll be making some suggestions, but it should feel good to you and anything that doesn’t feel aligned, just leave...

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Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

Creating Alignment Within Your Energy Space

I wasn’t going to write about this today because this was also the topic of the Self Care Practice of the week. Truth is, I never really know what I’m going to write about every Monday, it usually just pops up for me at some point. 

 This week, I feel like this topic is so important because of all the over stimulation things we are exposed to on a daily basis. 

We need to always check in with ourselves and see how we feel in that moment and then decide what we would like to experience as far as the energy we need to experience and then curate that in that moment.

As an example, If I’m feeling super stressed and even anxious, it might not be the perfect moment to watch a thriller movie or listen to gangster rap. 

We don’t have control over all the things we are exposed to in our lives that affect our energy, but we do have control of some of them and that's what I would like to talk about...

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How To Transform Your Life with Journaling

How To Transform Your Life with Journaling

Those of you who have spent any time in the Soul Aligned Self Care community know that I love journaling and I use it as a tool every day in my life and I use it very often with my clients. 

I know how powerful it is and how much it helps me and so many others, I can’t imagine life without it. 

Journaling has been a powerful tool that I've used to change my life for the better. 


Today I want to talk about the benefits, why it works so well, and some of the different ways you can use this tool!


To get started, some of the benefits for me are, my daily gratitude practice to keep me grounded and positive, using the mind dump exercise to help me vent, using breathwork and meditation to ask my higher self and the universe for guidance and the answers to difficult questions. 

These are just a few ways I use journaling. 

I also use it to brainstorm new ideas for my business and the farm. It’s a...

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Going From Chaos to Calm in Your Life w/Deep Level Self Care

One of the reasons I titled this blog post as it is because of a milestone coming up for me. It has made me really think of what I do for my clients and here on the blog and podcast and this was perfect. I take them from chaos in their life to calm. 

So, what's this new milestone coming up?

Big news! This week I’ll be recording my 100th episode of the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast!

I can’t believe how fast it went by and how much fun I’ve had. I’m so grateful for all of the really interesting and cool people I've met and the friends I’ve made. It’s been such an amazing time, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

Reaching this point made me start to reflect on what the podcast and my business stand for, what I want to accomplish, and what things I want to add and try moving forward. I’ll cover this in a few moments. 

I would like to talk about going from chaos to calm. It really simplifies what I do but, in a...

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Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

Creating Your Personalized Self Care Tool Box

So, what is your Self Care Tool Box? That’s a pretty legit question because it can mean a lot of things. 

A self-care toolbox are solutions you create for yourself that help you work through difficult situations and emotions. It's about learning what helps you feel better and move through those tough emotions and situations and taking note of it in a notebook or journal and then being intentional to use those tools when you need them.

When we take the time to create a space in our journal or if you don’t have a journal, in a notebook where you keep track of what helps you feel better and also helps you move through those tough emotions, you can then respond to your life and not just continuously react.

So, I suppose the next question would be, what are tough emotions?

Well, some of the tough emotions for me would be sadness, stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration. Everyone is different though and so...

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How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

How To Get Unstuck Using Baby Steps

So, you’re feeling stuck. We all end up here at different times in our lives and sometimes it can be brief but sometimes, it can feel like forever!

Now, there are two ways you might feel. One might be that you are completely discontent, uninspired, in need of a change but you're not sure what. The other is you’re comfortable where you’re at and it feels pretty good, but you feel something new brewing. You don’t know what it is, but you feel it coming and you’re not sure how to move forward to stir up the change needed. 

Whatever camp you're in, it can be very frustrating when you just don’t know what to do to move forward. When we are in our comfort zone but at the same time know that a change is needed in order for us to grow and expand, it can feel overwhelming. Anything new can seem so far-fetched or it can seem like an enormous amount of work and both of these situations can make you become frozen in...

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Get Unstuck & Create Momentum in Your Life (Proven strategy inside.)

Have you ever felt somewhat stuck in your life? Like no matter what you try you can’t seem to move in the direction of where you want to go. Now you might feel awful, but you also might feel very inspired with big dreams and goals, but you're frozen in a state of overwhelm. So, How Do we,

Get Unstuck & Create Momentum in Your Life?

We all feel this way at some point in our lives, as a matter of fact I believe we go through this in cycles when we are experiencing growth or need to experience growth. 


So, if you can describe yourself as the first person, just completely stuck and somewhat unhappy, then the first thing I would ask you is what do you want? Almost always the person says to me, I don’t know what I want. Then I would move on to how you want to feel. If life was perfect, what are the feelings you would be experiencing on a daily basis? Start with that. 


Most of the time when we are working towards a goal it’s not the actual...

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