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Choosing You - Making Fear Your BFF

This is a statement I think we all have heard at one time or another. What does it mean though and how do we achieve this?


I think the first thing to bring to our awareness is that fear isn’t bad. It’s meant to protect us from danger. The problem is that it’s trying to protect us from things that are not dangerous and we have to be able to not only determine that but then step through it. 


If we listened to fear every time I think we would all be curled up in the fetal position not experiencing anything in our lives. Kinda like being managed by an extreme helicopter parent.


We need to be mindful of the message asking ourselves, is this really truly something that might hurt me or is it just taking me out of my comfort zone?


To me, it can feel like excitement and I like to define it this way. We all know when we leave our comfort zone, amazing things happen, and we grow and learn and have new experiences. Overall good, right? Even if...

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