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Step 9 - Love yourself exactly as you are

Step 9 - Love yourself exactly as you are~

If you love yourself exactly the way you are, unapologetically, everyone else will follow suit. Going back to the first step, learning about the things we love definitely helps, you learn more about who you are. Here are a few more questions to ask yourself.


  • Are you changing the way you act with certain people to avoid conflict or to make them happy? If so, why?
  • Do you find yourself trying to do things that you don't like to do to please others? Why?
  • Are you worried about sharing your beliefs and dreams with the people you love and spend time with because you're afraid of judgment? Why?
  • Are you judging the way you look by comparing yourself to other women or representations of women in the media you consume? 
  • Ask yourself if these are true representations of true women of today or are they unrealistic representations?

These can be signs that you're not in alignment with yourself and are questioning who you are. 

Action Steps:

  • Don't be afraid to be yourself 100% of the time. The people that love you won't care and you will begin to be surrounded by people who are more in sync with you. This will also feed into your confidence so you continue to be and love yourself.
  • Remind yourself that you are the only you in the universe. You were made perfectly and there is no reason to change or apologize for who you are. As a matter of fact, it is your responsibility to live as you are 100%. Stop getting in the way.
  • Make a list of all the positive wonderful things about yourself. List at the very least 20 things. Ask friends and family that you have a positive relationship with to give you a few traits they love about you also. You might be surprised by what comes up.
  • At least once a day look in the mirror and tell yourself how fabulous you are and that you love yourself. 
  • Pay very close attention to how you talk to yourself. Do you call yourself stupid, fat, or ugly? This is very common. When you catch yourself, just say erase and make a more positive statement about yourself. Your words hold the power to create so be careful how you use them!

I know this might feel super weird but it’s also super beneficial. I actually have a sign on my bathroom mirror that says Hello Beautiful! It serves anyone who looks in that mirror.

Affirmation: I am enough, I've always been enough, and now that I know I'm enough, everyone knows I'm enough.

Xo T

P.S. Want to go deeper and learn more about practicing deep-level self-care, living in your purpose, and making an impact in your life? Then learn more about my program, Aligned & Worthy here>>>https://www.tinastinson.com/aligned-worthy-ps


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